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Fear is a interesting thing to talk about. Even if you won't day it, or remember what you fear. Its there. Sometimes more then on fear can rest on some one.

So are hopes. Ever hear the story 'bout a dad tellin' his son on the 'good wolf' and 'bad wolf' inside us and you feed them. I guess thats kinda how it works. Its either your hopes weigh out fear or the other way around. From my view it seems people have different ways to do things.

Let me explain. Fear pain sadness all same difference whatever. Your strong by controling feelings (or how many things you care about...) Your strong on the out side but really the weakest there. Your weak and you show it. How deep you care about something debates on how your past went too.

One thing ive feared is well... How do I say this...

The future.

Ok yeah I know that sounds stupid. Lettem explain it better. I'm afraid of becoming silent and serous. Ya know. Every thing ive learned. See. Feel. Caring can be a curse, feeling what others fear, always knowing lies, trying for people. Going solo and being driven by pain. And the pain I knew my friends were in.

Just like they say "I see more then you think, I hear more then you say, I feel more then I show. " or something like that... I fear future, I fear being forgotten, I fear gettin' attached, I fear what I know, I fear for what people have gone through and are going through, I fear that maybe I can support what I hold on my shoulders. Maybe its the fear that drives me to do things that make me a good person and makes me try harder. Knowing to much can change a person.

I just hope it doesn't change me

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