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I'm just gonna get to the point. Who are your demons? The breaks? The burns and their still here. The ones that are thinking to just take that one step off the cliff we all are standing on. I understand the pain and the weight on your shoulders. Ya? Do you wanna try to criticize me on it go ahead. The only thing different between me and them (maybe you) is perspective.  The perspective on knowing if I go I'm taking all that weight and throwing into the ones around me and making life so much harder for the ones I could have helped that I haven't even met yet. I know I can say put it down because it's not that easy, even though I wanna walk off that cliff and say good bye. I'd be giving up on me, on You, on the ones who just look at me as a friend when I care about them more then words. I don't care if you slapped me across the face, your a human like me.  I care because I put myself  in the perspective of them, the scars the cuts. I don't need to do it to myself when I can feel it on the ones I know. And I cry behind their backs knowing they only need to see me strong when I'm the most worried and scared what will happen out of all of us. That's all they need to see is a sting me. I wanna know, are any of you like that? I've seen my friends cry, in the bathroom and next to me. And BB this is for You, this one sentence, you can lie to me when it's plastered on your face, you can yell I'm fine down the hall, you can sit in the corner of the fence till I send some one to fish you out, but no matter how much you fuckin' try I'm not gonna leave you or say I hate You, because I don't. Whew that was a long sentince, anyway back to the rest of you.  I've already on to this day have had three people lost to suicide and I can't stand it any longer. Boi if you need someone to talk to I'm right here. I care. I already know I'm stupid,   But I can already tell that death is only going to be one of the things I'll deal with.

Again if you want me to still talk put what it is in the comments.

If you ever thought about dead put #HaftHearted in the comments

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