I lay on my side so that I was facing her. She looked so beautiful as she lay on her back with her head facing me and the water ringlets from her wet hair dripped down her bare shoulders. Her amused grin and wild eyes gleamed at me and I gleamed back. "That was a nice shower," she said and I replied with, "The actual showering or...?" but I didn't get to finish because Lisa's giggling mouth leaned in to meet mine in a kiss, soft and sweet. I laughed against her lips as they moved in sync with one another. Lisa pushed my shoulder so that I lay on my back, crawling into my lap so that she straddled me, all while never breaking the kiss. She even kept the kiss going as she mumbled a question into my mouth: "Can we go again?"
We were interrupted by my phone and I d my sheets to find it, waking from my dream to talk to Jennie who was calling me.
"You're what!?"
"Jeesh, calm down! It's not like we're never going to see each other again!" Jennie said on the other end of the phone.
I took a breath and calmed down a bit. "Okay... So, where are you moving to?"
There was a pause before she answered, "New Zealand. Oh, hey, Lisa told me about her visit last night."
"Jennie! Don't change the subject! You're moving to New Zealand!? WHAT? How can you move to New Zealand!?" I yelled. I flopped down on my bed with my hand on my forehead.
"Well, my dad's mom is there and the doctors are saying she only has about a year to live. My dad just wants to be there for my grandma while she... you know."
I stayed quiet. I didn't even think about that. I was worried about losing my best friend, not about how serious the situation might be. After a second, I said, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."
"Hey, don't worry about it. I know how hard it is to have a best friend move far away." She chuckled. It made me smile to know that she could laugh at time like this. "So, you're coming to help me pack, right?" It was more of a statement rather than a question, but I still said yes, I'd be there.
"Good," Jennie said. "Lisa's coming, too."
Crap, I've been so caught up with Jennie moving, I didn't have time to think about my dream about Lisa. Suddenly it all came rushing to my mind. " Oh, great!" I said in a chipper tone, masking my airy tone.
We hung up after a few more minutes of chatting about nothing in particular and I chucked my phone across the room.
How was I supposed to be there for my best friend if my other best friend, who happens to drive my subconscious crazy, is sitting next to me, helping me pack clothes? How can I comfort Jennie if Lisa is sitting next to me, driving my hormones insane? Which no doubt she would because that dream left me pretty heated...
Yes, I hate to admit it, but, now that I thought about it, I had strong feelings for Lisa. And she'd never said anything about another girl before so, who knows, maybe my mom was right and she kinda did like me too? Maybe I was getting in over my head, but I just didn't know what to do anymore. Now that I was positive about my feelings for her, I noticed every little detail about everything: when our arms brushed against each other, how close we'd be standing, how far apart we were and how bad I wanted that dream to become true. It was a bit weird.
She was one of my best friends and if she didn't feel the same way, I'd make a fool out of myself and it would just be awkward. I'd just have to see how things played out, I guess.
Then I thought about Jimin. What about him? How do I feel about him? I grabbed my phone again and flipped through my pictures. I stopped at the one with me and him. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and I was laughing, not looking at the camera. Jimin, on the other hand, the photogenic person he is, was smiling like a movie star straight at the camera.
I felt a little tug at my heart. Yep, I still had feelings for Jimin, that was for sure. But the challenge Lisa brought was just too tempting. Jimin was obviously unavailable, no matter how much I wanted that to be untrue.
My phone vibrated and a text appeared on the screen, covering up the picture of me and Jimin.
Get your arse over here, now. Lisa's already here. HURRY! ♥-Jennie :)
I chuckled and shook my head at the text, replying with a 'blah' as I got out a pair of faded skinny jeans to change into.
At Jennie's house, Lisa and I were stuck packing Jennie's clothes. I'd managed to keep my cool and act as normal as possible around her. I didn't mention anything about the dream and I really hoped that my cheeks stayed a natural color. We hugged as Lisa met me at the door and she kissed me on the cheek, but I managed to stay conscious. She looked especially amazing today. Her thick blonde hair was tied back in a straight ponytail and she had a black V-neck Tshirt on. Her white skinny jeans accented her curves beautifully.
"So, Rose." Jennie started the conversation as she started folding clothes. "Lisa told me about how she visited your house last night. And how you didn't say anything about what happened with this certain person." She gave me an accusing look and out of the corner of my eye I saw Lisa roll her eyes and shake her head.
"Nope, I don't care about him anymore. There was nothing to say about someone I couldn't give two s about. I did a lot of thinking last night when Lisa left, and I've come to a conclusion." I paused there and left the two girls watching in suspense.
"Which is...?" Jennie urged me impatiently.
What was I going to say? That I was focused on trying to win Lisa over? No way was I admitting that. At least maybe not yet. So, I quickly thought up some bull crap that I thought sounded pretty legitimate. "I'll find someone in college. Why worry about some high school relationship that probably wouldn't last anyway?"
Lisa threw the shirt she'd folded into the suitcase in front of her. I looked at her and swore I saw a hint of hurt in her eyes. "You're right, Rose. High school relationships really aren't worth it. I've never once found a good one." She shrugged her shoulder, trying to act like it was casual.
"Well, lesbian relationships are probably harder to come by in high school..." Jennie said cautiously, but her tone made it sound comical.
After I saw Lisa laughing at Jennie's comment, I joined in and chuckled softly. "But really," I said. "It'd just be better to wait."
"What if he suddenly wants you?" Jennie blurted out randomly.
"I don't care if he 'suddenly wants me.' Besides, that would never happen." I said.
"Well, now. I'd highly recommend you changing your mind. If he wants you, jump on that offer. That boy is hot." Jennie said, fanning herself with one hand.
Lisa looked a little more serious. She turned to me and said, "Now, why would you say it won't happen? You're amazing enough to make anyone want you." She took a piece of my hair and twirled it between her fingers before putting it behind my ear. She looked into my eyes so deeply, I thought I was going to melt. I felt slightly awkward, my thoughts immediately turning back to the dream I had. I wanted to shrink away from her touch, but I knew Jennie would see right through me and know something was up.
"Oh, yeah, that too." Jennie added. Luckily she wasn't looking up at us and I secretly hoped she didn't see the hair thing. I was quickly pulled out of my own thoughts as my attention turned away from Lisa to Jennie.
"So, Jennie. You're leaving." I knew how to inflict guilt, and Jennie was the one who felt it the easiest.
"Grr. Really? The guilt trip, now? And I thought we were having a good time here, Chaeyoung!" Jennie complained. I grinned at her evilly.
"Girls, girls, girls. Let's not get into this, okay?" Lisa said in a mock-scolding voice. She put one hand on Jennie's knee and she rubbed her other hand up and down my back. That did it for me. I just melted at the warm feeling of Lisa's hand on my back. The way it went all the way down to the top of my pants made me tingle with pleasure (as weird as that sounds.) "I brought things for s'mores! Everyone loves s'mores, right?" She took her hand off my back and went digging through her bag.
Oh boy, this was going to be another long night.
Authors Note: Sorry This Took So Long!~ Please Enjoy ❤

Stay With Me
Fiksi PenggemarThe more Chaeyoung pushed Lisa away, the more she realizes she wants her. But she's is confused and is Lisa playing games with her?