A Strange Set of Circumstances

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The iconic blue doors of Per Se were held open for them by two immaculately dressed men donned in black slacks, vests, and crisp white shirts. "Good evening, Sir, Madam," one spoke with a smile.

"Welcome to Per Se," the other chimed in.

Mikhail ignored them both but Maggie managed a quick smile in return before she was swept up into the grandeur the was Per Se. A slender, tallish man with swept back hair and perfectly manicured nails stood at a small podium just inside. "Monsieur, Mademoiselle! Bienvenue!" he smiled, showing off a set of gleaming white teeth. "Avez-vous une réservation, Monsieur?"

"Non. Je veux parler au chef," Mikhail answered, his French as perfect as the maître d's.

"Oh, non, non, Monsieur. Le chef est très occupé ce soir, vous ne pourrez pas le voir, je suis désolé."

Mikhail's back straighted ever so slightly and he let go of Maggie's hand before leaning over the podium to bring his face mere inches away from the Frenchman's. His rich, velvet voice grew deep and hard. He spoke quietly enough that Maggie couldn't make out the words but whatever he had said left the poor man behind the desk shaking. "Oui, oui, Monsieur!" he squeaked out, backing away slightly. "Tout de suite!" And with that, the maître d hurried away into the restaurant.

A minute later, the head chef of Per Se came into view, Thomas Kellis, one of the most famous chefs in all of New York City and around the world. His white jacket and black apron were spotlessly clean. Only the thin sheen of sweat across his brow spoke of the hard work he was toiling away at in the kitchen. His salt and pepper hair and the tiny laugh lines around his eyes were the only real hints to his age which Maggie guessed to be around sixty or so. With a shaking hand, he reached out to greet Mikhail. "Sir, a pleasure." He smiled as they shook hands but Maggie could tell it was quite forced. He looked scared more than pleased by anything. Thomas glanced towards Maggie but quickly turned his attention back to Mikhail. "What can I do for you, Sir?"

"The East Room," Mikhail began, a small smirk growing on his lips. "Is it being used tonight?"

"Yes," Thomas said, "we are fully booked tonight." He sighed as though being busy was a bad thing, which Maggie found quite strange. "It is a Saturday, after all and I am so fortunate thanks to you," he added quickly, "of course, you know I appreciate everything you've done. You must!"

"My dear Thomas," Mikhail spoke softly, "calm down. I am not here to make a fuss. I simply wish to enjoy my evening with a beautiful woman and the first place I thought to bring her was here."

"And I am grateful, so grateful," Thomas added in, wringing his hands together behind the podium.

Mikhail waved his comment away with a flip of his hand. "But, as it turns out, my date has a penchant for Central Park and I have heard that your East Room is famous for its views of said park. Therefore, you see my problem. Yes?"

"Oh that's not necessary," Maggie quipped in, feeling rather embarrassed for the chef. She turned to Mikhail and said, "He said he's booked, why don't we just go someplace else?"

"No!" Thomas exclaimed, looking to Mikhail with desperation in his eyes. "No, I'll clear out the whole restaurant if it would please you."

"That won't be necessary. The East Room will be enough and you may then consider your debt paid in full."

"Yes," Thomas said, relieved. "Perfect. Just a moment then to clear it out and I will make sure your meals are made only by me. I'll make them perfectly! You will not be disappointed, I promise." He then excused himself and retreated into the restaurant with a hurry in his step.

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