An Even Worse Night

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Maggie swung open the door to one of her old haunts; a dive bar, by the name of 1020. She hadn't been in since before she had met Jake. Only a few blocks away from Columbia's campus, she used to walk over after classes on Friday nights for a much needed break.  The narrow, short hall which led to the bar was plastered with layers upon layers of pamphlets and fliers advertising local events. Maggie took a moment to scan some of the more colorful ones but quickly decided to stay. The place looked about the same as she remembered it; small, dimly lit, and packed with tables. The dart board was where it had always been, hanging up on one of the support beams near the back. The pool tables were still there but covered with protective pads until someone decided to use them. Neon lights advertising certain brands of beer lent the majority of the available light around the bar. Maggie scanned the room. Being a Monday,still pretty early in the evening, and with midterms right around the corner, the place was quiet. The tables were all empty. Although the bar looked busy. And, standing behind said bar, was none other than Matt.

Matt looked up from the magazine he had been flipping through to check out the new customer and quickly did a double-take. A perfect set of bright white teeth crept out from behind his long lips. "Maggie? Oh. My. God." he punctuated with disbelief. "Sweetie," he went on, coming out from behind the bar to rush at her. He swooped Maggie up, her feet left the ground by a few good inches as he spun her haphazardly around in a circle. "I haven't seen you in ages! Girl, how have you been?"

"Hi Matt." Maggie smiled genuinely back once she had been properly replanted upon the floor. "I'm okay, you?"

"Listen, Sweetie, there will come a time when I have a bad day, but it hasn't happened yet. But can I just say," he added, guiding her towards the bar. "you look fantastic."

Maggie blushed. "You say that to all the girls." Flirting with his customers was one of many things Matt was well known for.

"And all the boys," he added with an overt wink. "Now, come sit down and we'll catch up."

Maggie quickly looked down the bar to where her once usual spot was, hoping to find it empty. Unfortunately, it was taken. Of course, she couldn't really call it hers anymore, not after such an elongated absence. And not only was it taken, but the woman perched there looked mad enough to spit nails. Even just sitting there, drink untouched, the tall redhead gave Maggie the creeps. Matt, however,seemed to not notice. "Lovey," he said to the woman once he was back behind the bar. "move on over for me, would you?"

"I beg your pardon?" She spat back with an air of haughty disbelief.

"Scooch on down, just there," he added, pointing to the stool next to where she sat.

The redhead's barely bridled anger seemed to suddenly take up the entire room. "I will most certainly not!" She shouted. "Leave me alone!"

"Oh now, Ira," a skinny brunette sitting next to her interceded. "there's no need to start a war. Just do it."

"I'll start a war if I want to! And what business is it of yours anyway,Ava?"

"It's not," a third woman from farther down the row interceded. "Just leave Ira be."

Ira huffed. "If I'm moving, you're all moving. Come on, up, all of you."

Maggie had no idea what was going on. Really, she would have happily taken any seat. So, when seven women stood from the long row of stools,grumbling and obviously annoyed, Maggie couldn't help but feel bad. "It's fine," she countered, holding up her hands in an attempt to stop the sudden migration. This was, after all, the second time in only three days that an entire group of people had been deported for her benefit and truly it wasn't necessary. "Please stay."

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