Chapter-17: "I would like a Shawarma, please!"

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"Meeting in 10 minutes, for the heads of departments, in the Conference Room. Mr. AbdurRahman is also requested to be there." Noor announces into the speaker phone.


"We have finally launched our cupcakes, with a tangy mix of all the flavors of our tongue, called, Nouveau Dort. We had decided a cake, but, then, we thought against it."

"Didn't it taste weird?" Shelly Verma, the head of the Accounts Department, questions.

"I thought it would. But, surprisingly, it didn't. Although it got a little sour, at first. Jane fixed it, with the help of Alina and Camilla."

Noor sends a warm smile, towards Jane.


"What is it, Mr. AbdurRahman?"

"Umm, no. Nothing. I just wanted to borrow a pen,"

"Ok," Noor continues to speak, when, she is interrupted by Mark Zucchini.

"Yes, Mark?"

"Do you not want to give Mr. Fahad, a punishment?"

Fahad immediately looks from Mark to Noor.

"He is new, here." Noor states.

"It has been 4 months."

She hadn't realized that it had been so long.

"Ok...Come here, Mr. AbdurRahman. You will be punished, for talking, during a meeting, to someone, other than the Speaker."

"But, nothing like this was written in the contract." He reluctantly gets up.

"Rules are made by the boss, Fahad." He notices a twinkle, in her eye.


Lunch had finally arrived. Noor pulls out, her lunch box, before digging into her self-made noodles, with a fork.

Amidst her feast, she notices, Fahad, from the window, before her. He wasn't eating, unlike her. He was still typing furiously.

Why wasn't he eating?

She waits for quite a while, as the clock ticks, towards the end of lunch break.

He wasn't eating, still!

After completing her lunch, she quickly gets up.


"I would like a Shawarma, please!"

"Yes, Ma'am," The cafeteria person, quickly wraps, the khubus, into an enticing Shawarma.

"Thank you," She pays, before walking towards the elevator.

She finds Nina, in her station.


"Yes, Ma'am?"

"Could you give this to Mr. AbdurRahman?"

She raises an eyebrow, before, taking the food bag, from her. She smiles at her, before walking towards his room.

Why had she done this? She didn't know.


A.N.: Author's Note

Since, my laptop has been experiencing, some problems, with its charging. I have decided to update, on Sundays and Thursdays.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


P.S. Ramadan Kareem. 🎊

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