KAI Route

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I was about to cry.

At my first practise day I fell like million times. I felt so bad and rush out of the practise room and went to lockers. As I was changing and taking off my bra he came after me and as soon as he notice he turned around. 

"(Y/n) noona, sorry.. I'm so sorry." He said. 

"It's okay you didn't knew. Umm did you wanted to say something?" I said. 

"I-I just wanted to cheer you up some. Umm... you were tired and that's okay-" he was so into his speech so he accidently turnes around and turned back. "S-Sorry again..." he said.

"No it's not okay Jongin! I trained for this for so long but I can't even do the first move in this chareography!" 

"We can't do it now either-" he turned again and turned back again and again.

"I feel so bad about this!" I was so into the subject. Since I trust Jongin,I wasn't minding about it.

"Noona.. I'm so sorry for this but I can't talk like this." I thought he was about to leave but he ran to me and hugged me so he couldn't see my breasts. Looked into my eyes. 

"It's okay to fail at first day. Male group chareos are more complex than usual. And it's OUR chareo. So it has to be extra hard so we can be EXO." I was so busy with blushing. I just heard the EXO part. And I just said  yes and he bowed without looking at me then leave. Unusual moves from the fanservice boy.

 Back at the my first days in here,the times that they don't know about I was the secret project of the company, I joined a signing event of them and I was in disguise.As I read from some fan forums Jongin was my fan from the movie. He fan serviced to me unknowingly. That was what I wanted. Since I was wearing a mask I was being extra. Asking him to do aegyo,wear the weird thing I bring for him etc. But when I told him my name and took off the mask slightly he got up in shock. He jumped in front of me. Then he asked if we can hug. Fans were finding cute his behaviours.

"Oh my god noona .. it's you! I'm your fan!!" he said and I did the same. 

"And I'm your fan too! I recieved your fan service... OMG I'm so in love...  " I said and he blushed a little and I told him that I'll call him Fanservice Boy from now on. He smirks everytime to that. 

He knows. 

I love to see him smirk while he dances. When their manager asked me about which chareography I wanted to see and learn from them first I said "call me baby" right away. Because Jongin owns it.

 I sit on the corner and watch them... specially him. When you met him for the first time he is such a cute kid. But when you get closer he is so charismatic. His facial expressions are gold. He is a true gentleman. (Thank you elder sister) so today,after a week we stardter to practise this dance, I fell,because he smirked too much. 

And I saw a wet dream about him last night so. What is focusing on job right now? I'm older than him . It's usually a huge problem for me but ;

him calling me noona like THAT.. grrr.

I take a cold shower and called Chanyeol. He is my secret keeper. I told him to come to studio.

"Channie~ I can't control my feelings towards Jongin." He furrowed his face 

"What do you mean? You said you can hide them well..." I sighted.

"When I hide my pure feelings like being so happy around him, enjoying his book choices etc my +19 feelings pop up and that pool accidents happening. When I hide +19 stuff, I found myself one step away from confessing him. It's driving me crazy." 

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