CHEN Route

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That's it!
You put your bed cover and your pillows and now you officially a part of this house. But it was already 2 AM and boys stopped asking for if you need help. They were probably went to sleep and you should do the same. BUT you need coffee and food. Desperately. You looked at your room and liked it. You put everything in their place. You turn on the bedside lamp and turn off the main lights in the room.
One of the managers called you on facetime. She was checking up on you untill you settle.
"Unnie look! I'm all settled here aaand look at my clothes.. I fold them and here are my books and this is my toilet table-" she smiled tiredly.
"So you all set?"
"Yes ma'am!" You said with a proud pose. "So before I go to bed, do you need anything for tonight (y/n)?"
Your stomache made sounds about how hungry you were. You haven't eat yet. You were so excited abd forget to feed yourself.
"Unnie~ I'm so hungry and a cup of coffee would be fantastic!" She faked snoring and you two laughed then hang up.
You lie on your bed. You knew you will have insomnia on your first night here so you decided explore the house while everyone was sleeping. You walked around in floors then decided to go to kitchen for prepare some snacks for yourself. Someone was there, lights were dimm so you scared but decided to hide a little.
Then you noticed that, that cute siluette was Jongdae. He was being cute but he burned his finger so you fliched over him to help him. He scared when he saw you. You hold his hand and put it in cold water then dry it and put some ointment over it. He wasn't even blinking while he was watching you being a nurse.
"Thank you so much (y/n).." you smiled at him.
"It'll be better untill morning. What were you doing in here at this late?"
"I was about to ask the same.." you both smiled each other.
He suddenly got up and did sth on kitchen counter and leave a plate with toast and a cup of instant coffee in front of you. You looked up ar him.
"Did you made these for me? Oh Jongdae~ how did you know?" He blushed and scratched his head and sit a chair next to yours.
"I woke up and saw your light. I was about to knock your door and heard that you said you were hungry and needed coffee and..
I hope you like these and don't get poisoned" he smiled and bite his lower lip with anxious face.
You took a bite from toast and a sip from coffee. They were delicious.
"Yes (y/n)?" You looked at him.
"You are in a trouble.." he looked at you with curving his brows sadly..
"Is it toast? Is it coffee? What? Why?" He smelled the coffee ton understand what is the problem.
"They are perfect.. and from now on you may or may not have to make these whenever I need.." you said with a serious face. He smiled and wiped a crunch on your face with his hand.
You were his fan since that OST he sang. But you were hiding it to look pro.
When he wiped your lips casually you hold your breath and he hold his too. You smiled nervously and munched the toast.
"Do you want me to make another?"
"I need like 50 but I have to stop before we go to bed- I meant it's time for bed.. umm.. sleeping is important" you were trembling on your dirty mind. He was numbed but smiling gently still.
"Thank you Jongdae.. you are so kind and I loved it all. I was super hungry but super lazy.. I don't know how to thank you-"
"I know a way-" you both stopped suddenly and looked at each other.
"I meant you know like you can teach me something new." he bite his inner cheek after saying this and you run out of vocabulary.
"Yeah I know how to bake rice cake praticly.." he smiled.
"Wonderful .. so I'm going to sleep now" "Yeah me too.. good night Jongdae!"
"Good night (y/n)!" Then he left quickly.
You let of the breath you were holding. Sehun entered the kitchen with his smirking bratty face
"You know I was about to refresh my water bottle and before I go in I heard you two.. noona why you two like this?" You could feel that Sehun was about to say sth make you blush to the core.
"What do you mean?" He giggled.
"The whole conversation was like a part from a R-rated movie.." then he impersonate you and Jongdae.
"Oh, I don't know how to pay back
-oh I know a way" he raised his brow.
"Are first I thought you two having some fun and I was about to leave then your voice was too normal and I stayed.. Noona, are you blind or too sleepy or what?" He waved his bottle to your face.
"Noona he has a poster of yours in his room and he framed it... you know the poster" . You knew the poster. The one that you were looking so bossy and sexy in costume. A legend says that every young boy wants that poster but only 15 of them got it. And it was given with sth like charity.
You felt flattered and embaressed at the same time. Because you had a poster of his which you paid a fan to sell it to you because it was signed by him and kissed with red lipstick. It was framed too but covered with newspapers for your safety. For real.. where was it?
"And you have his kiss the radio lucky one poster. Seriously you two have sth for each other.. confess it"
"How did you know about the poster?" He smirked.
"I wanted to help you earlier and as soon as I recognise what it was I left it back to its place. Pinky promise.."
"Oh my god Sehun... go back to your bed!" You giggled. He did a random aegyo and left. You went to your bed and hug your blanket.
He was a fan? No way... Sehun must be joking.
While you were thinking about that you fell asleep. Next day you woke up before anyone and prepared breakfast. Then knocked all doors seperately.
When Sehun saw you at the door he quickly ran to Jongdae's room and check up on him.
"Noona.. you can enter the room. It's fine." He winked at you. Cute little maknae...
What he was up to with this? You knocked then entered the room.
Yes, there was a poster.. the poster was there. Right in front of his bed. It was looking better than you remember. You felt a relief in your heart.
He woke up and saw you.
"Oh good morning (y/n)..." you turned to him.
"Good morning Jongdae~ umm I prepared breakfast. Come to downstairs before it's cold" as you were about to leave he catch you and smiled..
"Let's go together?" He said. Then suddenly ran to bathroom washed his face dried with a towel and came back.
"Now.. let's go"
While climbing down the stairs you trembled and he caught you. You two should looked so romantic because Sehun was like "almooost paaaradisee".
Where did he even pop up from now? Anyways breakfast was so merry and as it seems you are a good cook. After breakfast Jongdae invited you to go to winter sea. You accepted and drove there. You were so excited about it for a while.
"Other's had other plans for today and I think you should see there.. it's so beautiful." He said.
But when you got there all of them were there.
He really surprised to see them and pouted a little. They were spilting to two teams for beach-volley and you secretly take him with you to your team. He was so fun through the road and lipsynced some songs from the radio very funnily. To be honest, you fell for him at the first moment you saw him in front of you. His kind and well mannered behaviors got you.
He actually sing for you in the car. You wanted to drive here so he let you but you regretted that... you could watch his every mimic but ..yeah.
But the thing is, he watched you. At red lights you two did some funny dances at ridiculous songs. And he sing for you... radio was being noisy and he asked.
"Can I sing instead?" Your eyes were on the road so you peeked at him.
"I would live that Jongdae!" And he cleared his throat and sang.
He cut it when you arrived and he saw others but it was awesome. He hold your door helped you to out of the car etc etc.
If you had one, your father would be so happy to see you with a young man like Jongdae.
Now you were in two teams and beach-volley was so fun. It would be better if it wasn't freezing but... moving helps. As you were about to play for 3rd match you felt so tired. And there was a ball coming at you so you jumped but couldn't jump high enough and you lost your balance and Jongdae tried to help but in the end you fell on him. He was under you on the beach. Sands were cold but he was so hot in both meanings.
I mean sweating, trying to catch his breath..under you. Even he was in bottom he asked you "Are you okay (y/n)?" You looked at his eyes.
"Yes ... I'm, thank you. But I'm tired." You said and roll next to him. Chanyeol joined you two and then the rest.
"I think we should go back home.." you said
"and prepare some hot cocoas.." Sehun said
"and cook sth to eat." Jongin finished the sentence. They did their salute "we are one EXO" it was so sudden and you flinched but they were so cute.
Everyone got up and Jongdae helped you to get up. Everyone turned back to cars and left. Sun was went down already and when you were about to get in the car he hold your hand.

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