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When I was back at hollywood a girl came by to me and asked me to sign . When I asked her name she said
"Can you sign it like 'to Sehunnie~' "
I freeze for a second. I knew about him already. I was kinda maybe totally a fan but I gotta act cool.
"Who is this Sehun?" I asked. She looked at me
"Don't you know EXO Sehun?" I smiled.
"Oh, I know but what is this for darling?" This was actually a fan service .. you know asking them about stuff.
"YOU KNOW HIM? GREAT HE WILL BE SO HAPPY! Other day he was at a show and talked about you." My heart was about to escape from my chest.
"Oh really.. what did he said?" Acting like calm.
Internally screaming.
"They asked about his ultimate bias Irina then he said lately she was on 2nd and you were the 1st."
"How nice.." still acting cool. She looked into my eyes and said
"I'm gonna take this to him. They will be in here for a convention!" How sweet fans they have. I envied.
"Can you ask him to send me a signed album?" I said.
She screamed.
Like out loud. I signed the poster. And the dvd. I signed like "To Sehunnie~ let's read fanfic together.." 
After a week my instagram and twitter was still spamming by cute fans. They were all sending me the same video. The girl who asked me to sign stuff for Sehun really went to see them and hand it to him. And tell him to send me a signed album. He thought that was a joke at first. Then when he opened the poster and look at the dvd he flinches and hugs the girl.
A week later Mr.Lee called me to home and for 2 years and... I'm here. And for the some next years I'll be living at dorm with boys.
Sehun includes.
It has been 5 months already and there were super duper extra schedules. We wake, get in the car. Eat our breakfast at that day's schedule area. Work work work all day. Then go back dorm. Take a shower. Sleep.
Yes; at the road, at he breaks,at he meals we've talked. Developted good relationships and convos.
Now finally we can sit down on our butts and relax. So I went to coffee shops with Minseok and Jongdae (oh cheeky Jongdae), did some crazy nightouts with Chanyeol and Jongin, spend 2 entire days with Baek by playing games, dragged Kyungsoo to cinema with me 7 days in a row and made him to cook me meals. Tried to develope my Chinese with Yixing but in the end he developted his English, learned the spots of flower markets with Junmyeon. Sehun was at his parent's for a special family event. Then he came back. With all his charms. He was looking like in pain all the time but he was the same maknae.
I wondered what's wrong and one evening I asked him to escort me to bubbletea shop. His eyes widened and smiled after and we got in his car. After buying our chocolate bubbleteas he take me to a calm place which we can watch the river. Since I was a guest and rookie at their concerts I was famous too so we couldn't walk around as we like for now. We started to drink then he flinched with pain and hold his chin. Then when he saw my eyes he turned to normal. "Sehunnie~ do you have a problem? You look in a constant pain. You talk less and you moan painfully in your dream. What's wrong?" He considered for a second.
"____-ah.. noona.. I have..umm" he was looking away
"I have braces. Internal. See.." he showed me the braces. Then turned away.
"Why don't you tell it before.. I was worrying about you." Stroked his hair without knowing what I was doing. Because I had those too. They were hurting so bad. He hold my hand and squeezed then leave ot on my lap.
"Noona.. thank you for caring me. You are so nice." He smiled.
"Should we go back?" He asked. Then we returned to dorm.
He bowed me and strated to climb stairs then turned back and hugged me. Then left. Changed and joined Kyungsoo and me at tv room. Kyungsoo felt tired and said goodnight and left to his room. While watching random shows I must fell asleep then I wake up to Sehun's painly moans. He was furrowing his face and making voices like crying in his sleep. He must saw his doctor recently. His pain hurted me. I caressed his hair and slowly wake him. He woke up and looked at me with a surprised face.
"What's wrong ___?" He said. I looked at him.
"You were looking in pain."He smiled "Yesterday I was at clinic... it will be fine in couple days." He said.Then he went to his room.
I was at kitchen. I put a bowl of yogurt for him and went to his room. Door was open and he was trying to convince Junmyeon to read him fanfics untill he sleep. Junmyeon was sleepy and turned around by murmuring a no.
"Sehunnie~ here." He looked at me. Then the bowl.
"What is this for?" he asked. I smiled.
"When I have braces and when it was painfull I used to put some yogurt in my mouth and wait it to calm down the pain." He looked at the bowl then spooned for once and then looked at me with a relief.
It worked. It always works.
"You are the best housemate ever!" He said. Junmyeon grab a pillow and throwed it to him. Then Sehun take me out of the room with him.
"He hates to hear 'eating noises' at night. Makes him hungry." We stood in the middle. Everyone was sleeping.
"I can't sleep. You can't sleep. What should we do ____?" He asked.
Then looked at me. And popped up the question.
"Let's read fanfics together." He said it in a monotone voice.
"I remember it!" I said. He liked to hear it then joined me at my room. Since I was the princess (!) my bed was double so we lay on our stomaches after Sehun finished the bowl.
*never lay on your stomache after eating or drinking.*
And started to read fanfics. They were so crazy. In general. We laughed a lot. Then he fell asleep. He was looking so peacefull so I couldn't wake him. So I let him to sleep here. I putted a seperate blanked on him. Then sleep at the other side of the bed. In under my blanket.
When I wake up with and extra warmt and weight I saw him. Sehun. He was hugging me in his sleep and he was murmuring in his sleep. He was so cute. But he needs to wake up now. So I tried to wake him but he shutted me and hughed me tightly.
"Oh Sehun!" I rised my voice. As he woke up Chanyeol was passing by in front of my door, which was open widely, looked at us and chuckled.
"I don't know how did this happen!" He laughed and grabbed Sehun as a baby and make him stand up. He was already awake by now and blushed a little.
"He does that often. Sorry in his name." Chanyeol said and poked him. Sehun bowed me with an apology then left. He was still half sleeping.
That day we had a fan meeting event. And we were basicly talking with fans. They were asking questions etc etc.One of them asked about who has the weirdest sleeping habit. I count to three and they all pointed Sehun.
Kyungsoo said "He hugs people to death in his sleep."
Junmyeon said "He refuses to wake up" Chanyeol laughed and started to tell them about Sehun's sleeping adventures.
We were all laughing then he said
"As the last but not least this morning he was cling on _____'s bed-" he said and then Junmyeon on the right I'm on the left stepped on Chanyeol's feet under the table. Girls were giggling. After that a girl asked me about sth 2 years before.
"____ unnie, did you recieved your signed album by Sehun? What did he wrote on album?"
Right.. I never recieved that.
"No I didn't but I recieved a contact signed by all.. so.." they laughed and Sehun said
"She will recieve her album too.. "
After that day, on sns all fans asked this kinda questions : "How it was to wake up to his face? How he looks in the morning? What did you felt when you noticed him? "
Then we talked about this with Sehun and arranged sth. I took a picture of him sleeping on the road to somewhere and share it on my instagram. Captured like "What do you think it is like? Serving you Sehun's morning look..." And girls likedit,loved it.
After a week later our habit on reading fanfics evolved. We started to read parts of our own.
One day Sehun wake me up in the middle of the night and gave me his phone to read sth. It was a fanfic. About me and him. It named like "HunnyMoon" (There is a real fanfic in my drafts, should I share it?)
if we could leave the fact I was one of the main characters it was beautiful. Well at the end there was a wild intercourse scene but except that it was good. He was laughing like crazy. When I finished to read it he took his phone back and then leave. For a whole week fans wrote many fanfic about me and Sehun. We were having troubles to find a regular one to make fun. At events some fans handed us some crazy drawings too. He kept it all.
One night boys went to drink and celebrate the awards, I wanted to stay at home and take bath. I loved the bath always. Plus fans were bringing us many different type of bathsalts and bathbombs.
When I got out of my bath I heard some noises inside of the house. I checked the clock. It was only an hour so it couldn't be them. So I wore my bathrobe and called Sehun. He would always answer. "Yeobuseyo hunny~" yep.. he started to call me like it. He found it on that honeymoon fanfic.. whatever.
"Sehunnie.. I believe someone break into house. I hear some noises." Silence.
"Noona go to my room and take the box on the corner. If you feel hungry there will be snacks at my mini fridge. Return to your your room and lock your door. I'm on my way" then he hang up.
I have snacks in my room too.. and why I was leaving my room.In this case... am I going to defense myself with snacks? If anybody was out there they can catch me?
I left these thoughts and do as he says and quickly returned my room and locked it. Then I heard someone was behind me. As I was turning around Sehun started to laugh and it scared me that much I felt 10years older afterwards.
"Noona I'm sorry-" he just stopped when he saw my clevage from bathrobe. Then cleared his throat and looked into my eyes.
"Noona.. I left early. I missed you. And I remembered sth. Umm shall we do sth together?" I looked at him.
"Yeah sure.. like what?" He smirked
"Let's read fanfics." He said.
"But now they are all about us. It's no fun" he was already settled on my bed. And patted bed to invite me. I joined him.
We read 3 or 5 of them then his battery died and he handed that to me to put it on charger. I plug it then returned to bed. "Now what..." I said. He smiled. He was in his pjs.
"Let's talk" he said. We talked about real stuff like life itself etc and he suddenly asked
"___, do you really enjoy to spend time with me? Like reading imagines, messing with members and driving around together.." I considered.
"Yes.. yes I do. Infact I really like them." He looked at me and handed me the box I bring from his room. But first he took sth inside of it.
I took it from him and opened. It was their previous album. He was signed it. For me. I didn't read how he signed it and turned him to thank him but he stopped me and pointed the writings. Then I saw it.

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