SUHO Route

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After couple of weeks there was a holiday in two days. 'Thanksgiving' . 

I was extremely excited. This wasn't an actual part of my culture but theme was working good. In fact the culture of mine was combination that I gathered together. You know why... 

I was excited but then managers visited the dorm for the news; they were all going to their parents' homes. Since I don't have any, I had to be alone for whole 3 days. Staying at home alone... wasn't mything. Anybody who saw my face when manager finished his sentence could notice that something is terribly wrong.

I didn't wanted to give out any color. I just smiled then take my glass to kitchen along with other glasses. Suho hold his glass and Chen's.

 "I'll bring these (y/n)~" he said. I just wave your head and head to the kitchen. I put the glasses in sink and started to wash them in hand. Even there was an empty machine waiting for to do it.

《Suho's P.O.V.》

This was my favorite time in year because my mom always cooks the most delicious meals which were also my favorites. As managers told us about permissions I felt so happy to see my family after a long time. 

Then something in my heart poked my brain. (Y/n) ... she was, alone. And as I suspect, she afraids of staying alone. When all members cheered with joy I saw her all-time-smiling face was dropped and smashed into pieces like a glass vase.

 I memorised all her smiles.  For example this smile which she wears on the moment means she heard something and she noticed it means she will be in an uncomfortable condition BUT with all her grace she won't ever give out any color

Yep.. being a leader makes you develop this kinda skills. Which are really useful. All of a sudden she get up and started to gather all glasses from our hands. I kept mine and hold Chen's glass too. He saw what I saw too. And let me. 

"I will take these~" I said. She just nodded. This nod means she is holding some tears back. When I entered the kitchen she was washing a single glass with her whole heart. Funny thing, dish washer was standing near her with open cap and it was empty. She is very cute.

 I slowly put the glasses I'm holding and take that one she was about to break into pieces. She looked into my eyes blankly then smiled. 

A 'Happy to see you' smile. I knew this could be happen this morning as I was calling my mom...

《Back to your P.O.V.》

Suddenly Suho appeared next to me. He slowly take the glass in my hands and put it into sink. I was so happy to see his face now. I felt more calm and peaceful despite the fact he'll leave home for 3 days. 

He was the one I'm gonna miss the most. He and his smile. His micro in practise but gigantic in meaning gestures. He hold my hand and took me back to livingroom. Everyone had already packed everything with them. And untill we sit back our seats Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo already said goodbye and left. Chen come to livingroom with his backpack and hugged me. 

"Happy thanksgiving (y/n)!!! Meals will be amazing, you'll see" he said then winked. He was so kind to me always. 

One by one everyone left, except Suho. He was sitting with me like an ordinary afternoon. Sehun suddenly appeared and hug us both then kneeled to beg Suho.

"Please, bring those patatoes and some from that dessert too... hyung.. you won't break a baby's heart, don't you?" He faked pouting. Cute maknae. Suho laughed and wave his head and we escorted him to the garage way. 

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