Trying to End the Cycle

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Since everyone was so supportive and gave me feedback here is the next chapter.

   Once she left the class I couldn't do anything but smile. I was so scared when Joshua showed up. He started beating on me after he cheated a few years ago. That's when I told him I was pregnant with our daughter and he said that couldn't be his cause he was to busy fucking somebody else. I told him I was leaving him and he told me that was gonna happen one or two ways; me in a body bag or him in a body bag. After he said that he beat my ass so bad I had to go to the hospital. When I got there they told me the baby was fine and I needed to just keep my blood pressure down. After we left the hospital he left me alone for the rest of my pregnancy. Once Lyric was born he got a DNA test to see if she was his and she is. Once we got home the beatings started again. It was for it I was walking to slow or if the baby was hungry. If she started crying and woke him up that was my fault. If he saw wrinkles in his clothes I was beaten worse cause he said I'm trying to make him look bad. This has gotten out of hand and now he don't really care where we are. I want to leave so bad but I'm scared. I want to be loved the right way. I want someone to tell me I'm beautiful and how lucky they are to have me. I want someone like Cynthia. She seems like she know how to love someone. I really just need some friends. I don't know where my friends are because he made me stop talking to them. He took my phone and gave it back without their numbers. I wish I would've wrote them down but I didn't so I couldn't remember them. I don't want this life for my daughter. I want her to know what love looks like so she won't go through this. The cycle has to stop now so she can start a new one. I forgot she was in here when Joshua showed up. It was embarrassing when Cyn and Nasir came in cause I didn't want anybody to know he does this. After she said what she did to me it made me feel all warm inside and she's a cop that's sexy. I left the school and went to my mom's house.

Lyric: We go see Nana?

Erica: Yes baby we are gonna stay with grandma.

Lyric: Yay! Daddy bad man. He hit wu(you) and me. He no dud(good) Daddy. He bad Daddy.

Erica: I know baby but don't worry about him no more. You will never have to see him again.

Lyric: Otay.

Erica: Look out the window baby girl. Where are we?

Lyric: *jumping up and down in her seat* At Nana's house. Me out Mommy.

Erica: *taking her out* Ok. Ring the bell.

Lyric: *rings the bell* I did it Mommy.

Erica: I see baby.

Sonia: Hey babies. *hugging them tight* What are you doing here? You told me you were going home after work.

Erica: *tearing up* I need to talk to you. Is Daddy here?

Sonia: No he just left. What's going on baby?

Erica: Lyric go play in your room.

Lyric: Otay Mommy. *running to her room*

Erica: Um... Joshua has been beating me.

Sonia: *angry* What?! How long?

Erica: It started two years before Lyric was born. *looking down* I want to leave him so bad but I'm so scared.

Sonia: You are not going back over there. You can get your stuff when your Dad gets here. *hugging a crying Erica* I am so sorry you had to go through that. I guess the cycle didn't end yet huh?

Erica: It ends with me. I can't let Lyric think this is ok. She has to... *phone rings* H-Hello.


Erica: At my parents house.


Erica: No Joshua. I can't take this anymore. I'm done with this marriage. You will get divorce papers in the mail.

Joshua: *laughing* Erica if I tell you one more time that you can't leave me we are gonna have a big problem. You are to get here now or tomorrow you will never see your ugly ass daughter again.

Erica: Leave my child alone. You can't do anything to her she's just a baby.

Joshua: I'm still her father. I can get her out of school anytime. I know a couple of men that love young fresh meat if you know what I mean.

Erica: *crying* That's your daughter from crying out loud. How could you treat her like that?

Joshua: Get your ass home and I will leave her alone. She can stay with your parents for all I care but you better be here in the next 30 mins or I will let my guys break her in the right way.

Erica: Okay I'm on my way. *hangs up* I gotta go Ma. Just send Dad to the house when he gets here.

Sonia: No honey he will kill you.

Erica: *crying* I have to protect my daughter. She has to stay safe. I have a will and if anything happens to me she goes to you and Dad no matter what. It was signed by a judge. She has to stay safe Mom. You promise to keep her safe?

Sonia: Baby don't...

Erica: No Mami promise me now.

Sonia: I promise baby.

Erica: Now I gotta go. Give her a kiss for me. *running to the car* Please God be with me.

   I drove home fast as hell. I was just gonna take this beating and while he's sleep I was gonna pack up my stuff. When I got through the front door it was quiet but all the lights in the house were on. I tried to speed walk up the stairs but I only made it two steps before I was pulled down by my hair. After he beat me for five mins he told me to stay put while he get the belt. As soon as the coast was clear I ran to my hiding space that he didn't know about. He was walking around yelling fo me but I ignored him. After three hours I remember that Cynthia gave me her card. I called her as fast as my hands would let me. I'm glad I charged by phone before I left work. When she answered she sounded like she was sleep.

Cyn: Hello.

Erica: I'm sorry to call so late but can you please help me?

Joshua: *in the background* When I get my hands on you I'm gonna beat you near death.

Erica: *crying* Please help me I just sent you my address. I'm really scared he's gonna kill me.

Cyn: I'm on my way just go somewhere that he doesn't know about and I will be there soon. *putting on clothes* Is Lyric in the house?

Erica: No she's at my mother's.

Cyn: Ok now I need you to get off the phone and turn on your location. I will be there in ten mins.

Erica: Ok. Please hurry. *hanging up*

  I hung up and did as she said. I was waiting patiently for her because I knew Joshua had no idea about this space. After about a few hours I heard a lot of commotion then two shots rang off followed by another two. I hope he didn't shoot her because I will never forgive myself. I forgot he had a few guns in the house. After a few mins of quietness I heard my name being called. It wasn't Cynthia but it wasn't Joshua neither.

Jason: Erica it's ok to come out. My name is Jason and I'm Cyn's partner.

Erica: *showing herself* Is she ok? I heard gunshots.

Cyn: *groaning in pain*...

(A/N: What happened to Cyn? What happened to Joshua? Is Erica gonna ever be free? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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