Cyn's Wave of Pain (Part II): Needing Faith

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I'm frozen where I am at. I can't hear what's going on around me. This has to be a bad dream and I'm gonna wake up soon. Why do bad stuff keep happening to us? To her? She is the most loving and understanding person I have ever met. Why her God? Let the roles reverse and let it be me. She doesn't deserve this life. As the doctors and nurses were running around frantically I was stuck where I was at. I know I'm suppose to be just as frantic but I was still trying to wake up from this bad dream. My whole family was in that car.

A Chevy pickup truck... chased down this car and crashed into them on purpose sending the vehicle into a whirlwind...

I can't get that part out of my head. Who would do that to a family or to kids? Who would want to hurt my wife? Please let my twins be alright. I don't wanna go through what I went through with Nasir. The more I asked them questions, in my head, the quicker my sadness turned into anger. Someone is gonna pay for this and they are gonna pay now. I looked up and noticed the doctor talking to me.

Doc: Captain Santana do you hear me?

Cyn: You can call me Cyn and what did you say?

Doc: Nasir and Lyric are a little bruised up but they will be fine. Your wife unfortunately suffered head trauma and it's really touch and go at this point. We have stopped all the brain bleeds and the swelling has gone down. In about 12 hours we will slowly take her off of anesthesia to see how she will respond.

Cyn: And my babies?

Doc: They are a little small but they are healthy.

Cyn: And Albee?

Doc: Um he's still in surgery. His seatbelt snapped on impact which sent him through the windshield.

Cyn: Oh my God, I will call his family.

Doc: Would you like to see your family?

Cyn: Yes sir. Thank you for everything you all have done.

Doc: With all you have done for this hospital and my family personally, this is really the least I could do for you.

He showed me to the suite my family was in and then showed me the NICU where my beautiful twins are. I looked at them for the longest just happy that my babies were safe and sound. I picked them up and sat down still staring at them. They look like a mixture between me and Erica. You can tell that I got on her nerves because they look more like me than anything. Looking at them I just broke down. This is not how they were suppose to be brought into this world. All I could do was apologize to them for bringing them into my fucked up world.

Cyn: I'm so sorry that y'all had to be born into this. I tried my hardest to keep you safe. Not doing a good job huh?

Jason: You're doing a great job Cap.

Cyn: Then why is my family like this?

Jason: Because somebody is jealous of the great job you are doing so they wanna get in the way.

Cyn: They're so small. Should we even have families given the field we work in?

Jason: We're not the grim reapers. We deserve our peace of happiness also.

Cyn: This isn't happiness. This is sadness and despair.

Jason: Who are you right now?

Cyn: What are you talking about?

Jason: Who are you cause this pity party is for the birds. Let that crap go and turn into my fearless Captain. Now what are we about to do cause my Captain don't sit and wait for somebody to do what she can do with her eyes closed.

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