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Sooooo this is the last one I'm doing for the day. Y'all have been taking to it well and giving me feedback so here is your reward😂😂😂😉 ~ Nykki

     I rushed to the address I was sent but on my way I called Jason and some more back up. When they arrived I let them know the situation and then Jason and I went through the front while Rick and Carly went through the back. I cleared three rooms, as soon as I walked through the fourth one...



When I walked into that room this motherfucker had the nerve to shoot me in the chest. Glad I always wear a bulletproof vest. Once Jason heard them shots he ran in as the guy was about to shoot me into her head. Jason let off two shots and the guy fell to the ground.

Jason: Are you ok Cap?

Cyn: *nodding pointing to the doorway*

Jason: I'm going. Her name is Erica right?

Cyn: *nodding*

Jason: *running out the room*

I can hear him​ calling her name. I finally got my breath to normal cause them bullets knocked the wind out of me. I was groaning cause they still stung like a bitch. As I was walking to the back I heard her ask was I alright. It made me smile on the inside.

Cyn: *groaning in pain* I'm fine it just sting like a bitch. *lifting her shirt pulling the bullets out the vest*

Erica: I'm so sorry I forgot he had guns. I did that mean for you...

Cyn: Calm down beautiful I'm fine. Jason see what's going on downstairs.

Jason: Alright Cap.

Erica: Cap?

Cyn: I'm the Captain of my unit.

Erica: Wow I couldn't do the type of work you do I would be scared.

Cyn: I'm used to it by now. Let's get you out of here.

Erica: *standing in the same spot shaking* Where is Joshua?

Cyn: He's dead. He can't hurt you anymore. Let's go before this place get out of hand.

Jason: Coroner is almost here and the ambulance is here to check her out.

Cyn: Thanks Jason. I'll see you tomorrow.

Erica: I'm fine I don't need an ambulance.

Cyn: Just make sure that's all. Better safe than sorry.

Erica: Ok.

  The ambulance said she was fine and was good to go. All she needed was some ice for the swelling to go down. As we were standing their watching them take him out in a body bag some man came up to us. I learned that this is Erica's dad.

Brian: Baby girl are you ok?

Erica: I'm great daddy. Is Lyric ok?

Brian: She's great. She's sleep right now and is waiting on you.

Erica: I can't see her like this. I have to at least wait until the swelling goes down.

Brian: Well you can stay in the guest house. That's your favorite place anyways.

Erica: Thanks daddy. Oh I would like you to meet Cynthia Santana she's the Captain of the NYPD. She saved my life today.

Cyn: *shaking his hand* Nice to meet you sir.

Brian: Nice to meet you too. Thank you so much for everything you have done.

Cyn: Don't mention it. I'm just glad I could help. I have to get back to my son. I will see you tomorrow morning.

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