Chapter 15: Cheating?

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Kitten POV

Sirius and I walk hand in hand outside. Since losing Remus and James, Sirius has always been there. It was an honest surprise to see him after Remus and James stormed off. He wiped away my tears when they fell that night. In the morning he was there, standing up for me. He stayed by my side when the others didn't. It always been him, cheering me up or making me laugh. I love him because of it, but most definitely not the way I love Severus. Sirius is a brother to me.

"I've been meaning to ask, is Snape still into the Dark Arts?" Sirius suddenly asks, snapping me out of thought. I nod.

"Sadly, he is. But I think he's been edging his way out because of me," I answer. He nods, a smile on his lips.

"I see. I wouldn't doubt that he is. I've seen the way he looks at you. It's the same way James always has looked at Lily," he says. I look at him and smile.

"Exactly what I wanted, my boyfriend to be compared to that piece of trash!" I say teasingly. He chuckles. He takes his hand away from mine. He puts his arm around me instead.

"I didn't mean it like that!" he replies. He chuckles and I grin up at him. I can hear footsteps approaching us, obviously from behind. I decide to ignore them though, thinking it was just another student out for a walk. It was a little chilly, being fall after all, but it was nice at the same time with the sun shining on the grounds.

"Would you mind, Black, taking you arm back?" I heard Severus say behind us. Sirius and I turn around. I grinned, Severus smiled back.

"Well well well, look who it is. The man least likely to get laid, who still gets laid!" Sirius chuckled. Severus put an arm around me, raising an eyebrow.

"So you told him," he said, it was more of a statement than a question. I nod. I was about to say something when Sirius interrupted.

"Oh she told me, she also told me she's hurting." He crossed his arms against his chest. At Severus surprised expression he continued, "Or didn't you care about that part?" I turned and nuzzled my head against Severus. His grip around me tightened.

"I had asked her if she was alright and she told me she was fine. Of course I care if she's hurting!" he exclaimed. I felt terribly guilty, having lied to him. I didn't think Sirius would tell Severus, I didn't really want Severus to know.

"Well she came and sat down and told me you hurt her!" Sirius exclaimed. I quickly look over at Sirius, eyes wide. Severus looked at me, but I couldn't look him in the eye. He was hurt.

"That's not what I said," I whispered, looking at the ground. I hear Severus sigh.

"Right now it doesn't matter what was said or who said it. Instead why don't we go see Madam Pomfrey or Professor Slughorn for something to ease the pain," he says. I shake my head.

"It's not that bad," I whisper. He puts a hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair lightly.

"Not that bad?! You told me you could barley sit!" Sirius exclaims with a huff.

"You need to get a potion," Sirius and Severus said together, though Sirius loud and Severus gentle.

"I'll be fine, I don't need the potion," I whisper, still looking at the ground. Severus tilts my head up gently to look at him, a finger under my chin.

"You need it. I don't want you in pain, Love," he said. I shake my head.

"It-it's fine, I just need to walk," I whisper. Severus hugs me.

"If not for yourself, than do it for us," Sirius says, quieter. I sigh, hugging Severus back.

"Alright, I'll get some, I don't want it though," I agree. Severus pulls back.

"Thank you," he says, a small smile on his lips. I return the smile. He leads me back to the castle hand-in-hand, Sirius following.

"Thank you, as well. I'd like to have a mentally intact friend than a friend who wants to punch me because she's in pain," Sirius says, his voice light and joking. I giggle.

"I wouldn't punch you, Sirius. I have James to punch," I replied. Even Severus laughed. Sirius wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"I knew you loved me," he said, definitely back to his playful self. Severus looked at him. I snickered.

"Well, Siri, you're about as close to a brother as one can get to me, so I'd hope I love you," I say. I nudged Sirius with my elbow lightly. Severus's hand gripped my own a bit harder. I put my hand on his arm, leaning my head against his shoulder. "Don't be jealous Sevy! I love you, too!" I looked at him to see a light blush bring color to his normally-pale cheeks. I giggle.

"Did you really just call me Sevy? Or did I hear wrong?" he asks. Sirius chuckles.

"Hey, at least it sounds like it's for a guy! Siri is a girl's name!" I laugh and Severus smirks.

"Alright, Siri. When are we putting you into a dress?" he asks. Sirius's eye's widen.

"How about never! I'm never wearing a dress!" he exclaims. I looked at him.

"Why not Siri! You'd look so cute in a dress! Besides, the girls will be all over you for letting you're best friend play dress up with you!" I exclaim. He shakes his head.

"No bloody way, sorry Kitty! I'll dress as a princess when you dress as a sexy cat!" I grin. I take my hand off Severus's arm and hold it out for Sirius.

"You have a deal! This halloween dance, prepare to dress like a princess!" I laugh and Sirius shakes my hand. I look at Severus. "And Sevy can be my owner!" I giggle and wink. The blush on his cheeks brighten. Sirius laughs.

We get to the Hospital Wing. We wait a moment outside the door for Severus's blush to fade. We walk in and Severus leads me right up to Madam Pomfrey. "Madam Pomfrey?" he asks.

"Yes, my dears?" she replies.

"We need a potion for pain," he says. She raises her eyebrows.

"What for? None of you seem hurt," she asks. Severus looks at me.

"Well," I pause. I didn't know if I wanted to tell the truth, and I thought fast about it. "I...I can't exactly sit properly, it hurts a lot," I finish, my cheek heating up. She nods with a sigh. She held up a hand.

"I don't want to know," she says. She heads into her office and comes back with a small vial. She hands it to me. "Take this. It should work fairly quickly." I nod and down the disgusting potion. I hand the now-empty vial back. She heads into her office and stays there. We head back to the halls to continue our walk.

"Are you seriously going to go as a sexy cat for the halloween party?" Sirius asks, having waited for us in the hall. I nod.

"I'm seriously going to," I answer. He shakes his head.

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