Chap 7: His Hidden Sadness

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~Well I hope to get this up quicker than last chapter, but I can't say for sure I will! ~

"Kitty! Where are you going?" I hear Sirius yell at me. I shake my head a little and go upstairs and to bed. I just want to clear my mind and sleep. I need to or nothing good will happen.

I got changed into a red tank top and green shorts. I sigh and curl up under my red covers. I close my eyes and hold close a snake from Snape without realizing it. I fall asleep quickly with the snake's head tucked under my chin.

Severus POV:

When I wake up I sigh, knowing I'll have to see Kitten sometime today. I get ready and head upstairs to the Great Hall. I enter in behind Kitten and her group of idiotic friends, well minus Lily. I try my hardest to ignore them. I didn't want to relive what happened two years ago. It's enough that I see it in my dreams! It was the worst day of my life!

 "I can't believe you Severus! I trusted you! Lily trusted you! We all trusted you! How could you call her such names?" Kitten screamed at me. I whimpered under her gaze a little.

"I'm sorry! It slipped!" I exclaimed. I really had. I didn't mean to call Lily a mudblood. I just wanted Kitten back! It's all I will ever want! I'm overworked and angry and frustrate.

She glared at me and whipped out her wand. She pointed it at me and she exclaimed, "You never should have told me the spell's you've created." She yelled, "Sectumsempra!" I wanted to cry as I fell down and started to bleed horribly. I stayed conscious long enough to see her turn and leave, wanting to scream and cry and try and make her hear me out. I passed out though, thinking I was about to die.

I snap out of my thoughts as I look over at the Gryffindor table. I watch Kitten and she turns to look at me, she narrows her eyes. She has an evil grin on her lips. She mouths the word 'Sectumsempra' and I gulp a little, trying not to show the fear of repeating 5th years events again. I sigh as she turns away.

I had potions first and Kitten walked in with her group. Lily, Remus, and Kitten sat in the front while the trouble makers sat in the back. I looked down and continued to read a muggle book. Slughorn was just reviewing so I completely tuned out. Though at one point I saw Kitten looking at me and our eyes meet. I watch as she looks away quickly. I don't know why she did that, I just wish she hadn't. I just have to keep calm and never let her know. She's got that's damned werewolf now, she doesn't need me. She won't need me ever again.

As we continue the day, every teacher is just doing lame reviewing so I mostly tuned out. Though, in Herbology I saw Kitten again. She looked a little scared. Probably because she knows she sucks at Herbology. I read over the textbook for this year a little to see what I've gotten myself into.

When class starts Sprout talked about what we were doing. We are going to repot Flutterby bushed in pairs. I despised her for that such reason, she loved pairs. And because I had the luck, I got paired with Kitten. I was secretly happy though I didn't show it as she slowly moved to sit next to me.

I tried hard not to glance her way. Though I had failed multiple times but luckily she hadn't been looking at me each time I had. I potted the odd bushes that quivered and shook. I could see her glance at me occasionally. She hadn't said anything to me, so I figured she didn't want to talk to me still, so I didn't say a word to her.

I heard her sigh as we worked in . . . well not silence as everyone was talking, but we were silent. "Can you hand me the bag of dragon dung by you?" I asked. She had kept it on the other side of her so I had no access to it. I must have been sudden as she had almost dropped her pot and bush. I looked at her expectantly and she put the bag between us so we could both use it. I nodded my thanks, and finished the last touches on potting the bush. I went to get some fertilizer and our hands met. I could see her blush lightly and she pulled her hand back quickly. I shrug and continue on my way. I added a handful and watched Kitten. She blushed and I smiled in my mind, she always looked cute with blush lightly coloring her cheeks. She put the fertilizer on the bush. I shake my head a little and add another handful.

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