Chapter 19: Party = Broken

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"Sirius...." I had no idea how to react as Sirius gave me a lopsided kind of smile.

"I'm sorry Kitty! I just wanted to kiss you once!" His smile was gone as Severus walked up and hit him in the jaw.

"What do you think you're doing, mutt?" he nearly yelled as Sirius stumbled backwards from the impact. When Sirius was steady again, well as steady as one can get with alcohol in their system, he rubbed his jaw. I could not see that joy his eyes had held moments before anymore. I could not do anything but stand there and watch the last people who love me fight.

Severus POV

"Well! Explain yourself mutt!" I yell again. The mutt Kitten calls her friend just looked at me. I was about to reach out and grab the front of his dress when he finally opened his mouth.

"I wanted one kiss from her. Just one, that's all, one. I figured I'd never get a better chance than when I could blame it on fire whiskey-punch mix. Can't say I'm sorry though," he explained. I glared at him, knowing there wasn't any kind of alcohol in his system by the way he was acting now. He had the audacity to smile at that moment. I restrained myself from punching him again.

"Don't touch her again," I hissed. His simple smiled turned into a disgusting grin.

"I can't, sorry. She's my best friend! How could I not hug her ever again?" Kitten had to grab my wrists to stop my from punching him.

"Stop it, Severus!" she scolded. I shook my head.

"No! He kissed you, that's not right! He needs to know your not his, you're mine." She took her hands back and crossed her arms.

"Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure I'm not a piece of meat, thanks," she said, adapting an icy tone. I rolled my eyes but Black chuckled.

"I wasn't trying to say you're meat, just that there's no way you'll ever be his girlfriend. Look at the way he treats you and influences you. You spent most of the day outside running around making me worry when you should have been doing homework," I say thinking I was using good points.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know I needed your permission to hang out with the only friend I have left. Or are you going to try and take him away, too, if he's such a bad influence." Not only was her tone icy but she the glare she pointed towards me was one that rivalled my own. I sighed. She raised her eyebrows, clearly waiting for my reply.

"You don't need my permission. I was just suggesting there are better things to do with your time than to goof off with him."


My mind barely registered her slap until my head was turned to the side. I rubbed my cheek as I watched Kitten walk off with her mutt trailing behind her. I sighed. I am such an idiot. Why do I always get into a fight with her? I shook my head with a sigh. I followed after the two of them to the Great Hall where I took the stairs down to my common room.Kitten POV

When Sirius and I got to the common room I sat on the couch and hung my head in my hands. I felt him sit down beside me, his hand rubbing my back gently. "You alright?" I sat up and looked at him.

"I don't know. I'm insulted that he would think that I don't care about my school-work, insulted that he thinks I can't choose my friends correctly, angry that he thinks he can insult you and get away with it, and I'm just completely upset because he thinks that I'd stand there and let all that happen." I sighed. He pulled me into his arms and held me and I leaned into the embrace. Not surprisingly, I could smell no alcohol on him.

"I'm sure everything will be alright though. You two will get through this. You two love each other too much to let this get in the way," he whispers. I nodded. I pulled back.

"Why did you really kiss me?" I ask. He meets my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Kitten. I really am. I don't know why I did it." He looked at his hands, fingertips pressed together in his lap. I lean my shoulder against his.

"Why don't we just forget about. It'll be easier," I suggest. He nods. He wraps an arm around me.

"Yeah. Lets forget it happened," he agrees. I nod, hugging him back. He pulls me sideways onto his lap. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Well now that that's over, why don't we talk about the fact that Snape looked like he wanted to leave and take you to bed." I laughed.

"It's because he couldn't help but be attracted to my sexiness!" We laughed. Sirius stood up, holding me in his arms bridal style. I squealed and burried my head in his shoulder, squeezing my eyes shut. He laughed.

"Something wrong, Kitty?" he inquired.

"Put me down!" I answered, my voice muffled by his shoulder.

"But I wanted to have a sleepover in my room! Come on, Kitty! You know you miss sleepovers where we stay up until midnight!" he said persuasively. I groaned.

"I will if you put me down!" I exclaimed. He obliged and set me on my feet. We raced upstairs to his dorm he shares with the other two Marauders. I beat him and sat on his bed. He tackled me and I fell backwards on the bed. We laughed. Together we fell asleep talking and laughing and acting as if what happened at the party had not happened. Instead our minds were on the year ahead and the NEWT's we'd have to take and the job that lays ahead for us.

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