Wakey Wakey

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Slowly, the 4 found themselves awoken slowly by a smooth , feminine song.

a groan escaped the doctors mouth as he racked his mind for the song, the lyrics mindlessly flowing in one ear, and drifting out the other without a single recoingnition.

for a second, the voice stopped, leaving an empty feeliing that seemed to slowly rot inside of his chest as he longed to hear more, but secretly was curious to know the source of the noise.

but, as his eyes, along with everyone elses eyes were practically glued shut in an odd sensation of pain.

with a slight twitching , he found himself slowly reagining controll over his normal bodily abilities, his leg occasionally twicthing from the odd and uncalled for suden shut down that had happened earlier.

and with big breath , he slowly opened his eyes.

his eyes were immediatley fcused upon the metal bars that seemed to have caged him insides the same contraption that the others were also trapped in.

he was relieved as he saw River stir, only for her to go back into her dark abyss.

"Well, it seems like our first guest has arisen." a silky, spine chiling, goosebump inducing voice purred, theDoctors fac einstantly darting to see a shady figure deeper into the room, which upon inspection seemed to be somewhat of a torture chamber mixed with a bull fighting ring.

with an unhappy growl, he immedaitley tried to move his hands, wincing as his hands could only move a certain length, as the clanking of chains came from behind him.

a warm ,chilling chuckle came from the darkness, causing the doctor to squint to see what was inside of it.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" the Doctor half roared, half demanded causing another hearty chuckle to bounce off the cold walls that bound him tightly inside a 2nd prison.

"didnt anyone ever tell you?" the feminine asked, the clicking of shoes slowly coming towards the doctor, his eyebrow raised in curiousity.

"Tell me what?"

after a somewhat long, and spacey silence, the clacking of shoes resumed.

and suddenly, with a mindbending swish and a twang, the doctor was staring wide eyed at an arrow that was imbedded into the area less then a centimetre from his face, a small fire burning dangerously close to his hair.

he took a large, feaful gulp as he heard the footsteps continnue, and within seconds he staring at the darkfigure, somewhat illuminated by the light from the arrow.

but, as the figure came forward her realised.

"You never go towards the light."

instantly, the lights flashed on , causing all of the others to groan and wake up.

i looked at the girl, she loked 18, had eyes that looked like the stars, her gown shimmered in the light, and her face bore a look of pain, as scar decorated her skin.the tall, famle figure was perfectly carved, gingery hair woven into a complex weave hat resembled a big web of braids. she was wearing a silky, seafoam dress that was now ragged and was clinging tightly to her curves.

my eyes stared at her in awe, as everything seemed to freeze, and instantly he did a double take. and with a blink, the girl was gone, and so was the arrow.

officially, that was a first for the Doctor, it was bit like the weeping angels, but alot more creepy, much to his dismay of admiting.

sounds bounced rapidly off the walls, more childish giggle, more creepy footsteps, and the occasional cut off conversation ccausing the doctors head to shoot around in confusion as his ears followed the noises.

The Doctor was suddenly aware of the fact that Amy was now sitting, and as hooked upp to an electric chair in the middle of the room, and was now trying to scream , but was only muffled by the scarp of leather that was hastefully shoved in her mouth to get her to shut her mouth.

in a moment of sheer confusion, the doctors mouth lay agape.

surly, he would have seen a huge machine like that!

it cant just appear out of thin air...

or can it???

but, as the Doctor saw the last lever being switched he immediatley went into insane time lord mode as amys whimpers of terror slowly grew as the machine proceded to power up, the slight shocks of electricity buzzing loudly as the intena was illuminated by a bright green light.

"Let her GO! I WILL DO ANYTHING, JUST LET HER GO! " he shouted in anguish and despertaion, the face of the young girl immediatlet shot in his direction.

"there is nothing i want from you, Timelord." she growled and with one last flick, everything went off.

followed by a massive scream.


the odd thing was....

It wasnt Amelias...

If it wasnt...

Then who's was it?!?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2014 ⏰

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