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Forewarning before you proceed:
The first segment of this chapter was written years ago and is heavily under developed in writing style. All the information given is almost entirely just from script to text, so feel free to skip to the "•••" symbol and start from there. That is all and enjoy the book.


[. : T H E  B O Y  A N D  G I R L  I N  T H E 
I C E B E R G : .]

III POV - Katara


DRIFTING ALONG A GLACIEL river in the South Pole, hunting for fish to feed their tribe, two siblings sat in a canoe shifting uncomfortably having been there for so long.

"It's not getting away from me this time, watch and learn Katara." Sokka, the idiotic brother, said, determined to catch the fish that had evaded his grasp for a near hour.

With an unimpressed glance, Katara pulled her attention back to the icy water. Spotting the silhouette of a plump, much larger fish, she perked up only to realize that she didn't have anything to catch it with. Unless...

Hesitantly pulling off her gloves, she took a deep breath to clear her nerves and began to use her waterbending to pull the fish from the water.

"Sokka, look!" Katara said excitedly, shocked that her attempt had been successful whilst trying maintain the bubble hovering over the water that contained the fish.

"Shh~ Katara, you're gonna scare it away," Sokka whispered, raising his spear getting ready to strike, oblivious to the floating fish the girl had caught.

"But Sokka, I caught one!" She persisted. Bending the fish towards the boat, Katara got ready to catch it, only for the bubble to be popped by the butt of his spear.

"Hey!" She said deflated as she watched as the fish splash back into the water.

There goes dinner.

Sokka bristled. "Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get soaked?" He asked irritably, shaking the water off.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, Katara turned to Sokka ready to tell him for the umpteenth time, "It's not magic, it's water bending, and it's-"

"Yeah, yeah," Sokka cut her off. "An ancient art unique to our culture, blah, blah, blah." Noticing her glare, Sokka turned away and proceeded to speak.

"Look, I'm just saying that if I had weird powers, I'd keep my weirdness to myself." He continued.

She scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Your calling me weird? I'm not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection on the water." Katara replied smirking as he immediately put his arm back in his sleeves after doing said action.

He went to reply, but both yelped as the canoe changed course an iceberg and was pulled down a speeding current.

Sokka clambered to grab the oar and started paddling uselessly against the current.

"Watch out!" Katara yelled out, spotting two large icebergs that could possibly smash the boat.

"Go left! Go left!" She directed frantically as they maneuvered through a series of bergs, all that could've turned the boat into driftwood. Gripping the sides of the boat for dear life, Katara thought about water bending but at the pace they were going she would fly out of the boat. Now just didn't seem like a good time to tempt fate.

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