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[. : T H E  A V A T A R  R E T U R N S : .]

|Book 1- Water|


NERA GAVE A LOW, RESPECTFUL BOW to her flightless companion. "Thank you very much for your service. I am in your debt." She nodded in acknowledgment.

Sokka, who had been moping only moments prior and mourning his broken staff, let his moping features slink over the scene playing out in front of him. His eyes lazed from Aang to Nera to the penguin that was currently getting more respect than he ever had, all of whom had just swooped in to save the day — via Penguin Express.

It was odd enough already without Nera's formalities (Aang seemed to be the only person who considered it to be normal behavior). Sokka didn't even have it in him to be baffled when the penguin bowed back.

Nera stood back to full height as the interaction came to an end. She was indeed grateful. He'd been one of the only volunteers to temporarily assume the task of being her trusty steed. It was only right she give her proper thanks.

The little guy waddled after his buddy (the one who'd blown a fit after throwing Aang off his back), and Nera turned to be met with eyes of confusion. She didn't quite understand why they were so, but she figured she should help them along in understanding the exchange.

"We have a mutual understanding." Nera offered in explanation.

Aang waved in greeting. "Hey, Katara! Hey, Sokka!" His voice was cheery despite the situation at hand.

Sokka, who was officially over it, couldn't be bothered to come up with anything witty. "Hi, Aang. Thanks for coming, guys." He sulked, just loud enough to be heard.

"Glad to be of service." Nera replied.

Before Aang could open his mouth to respond, the man- no, teenage boy, who'd been swept up and knocked over in their arrival rose to his feet and made a silencing gesture to his soldiers to fan out.

Nera's calculating eyes darted at the slight of the boy's hand, watching his men form a semi-circle before her eyes traced back to him. He couldn't have been that much older than her, by a year or maybe two. Obviously trained in battle, judging by the defensive stance he took.

The hair on her neck stood.

She could see in his eyes, into him. His scarred eye was almost as scarred as his mind. And as she continued her gaze, she knew he was not here for peace. He was the threat Sokka had been so intent on keeping out of his village, and for good reason.

He screamed danger.

Though his stance was defensive, the position of his feet, the placement of his shoulders were clearly on the offense. He was ready, in fact he looked like a war dog at the slips, held back only by shreds of self control.

Nera quickly recovering from her analysis, let her eyes flicker between the soldiers. Five, six...seven total.

"If you're going to fight, you're going to need this, Aang." Sokka said, looking doubtfully at Aang's staff. He held out his club.

"No thanks, I wouldn't know how to use it, anyways." Aang said. But he couldn't help his eyes slipping over to Nera, after all she was...

Sokka followed Aang's gaze, and by then Nera felt both pair of eyes on her. She supposed they would need a response.

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