How Do You Words?

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Don’t look up. Don’t look up. Don’t look up. Crap. I quickly ducked back behind the shelf I’d been peeking around. Crap. Crap. Crap. Did he see me? I carefully peeked back around the corner. The boy I’d been spying on, didn’t appear to have changed the position he was in. I leaned back against the shelf and sighed. He didn’t seem to have spotted me.

Let me explain. I promise I’m not as creepy as I seem. The boy is Dan Howell. He just transferred here a few weeks ago. My best friend, Phil Lester, was told to show him around the school and help him get a feel for everything. I’m not surprised. Everybody loves Phil. I hadn’t really got to see much of Phil lately due to Dan. Not that I minded. Dan was incredibly attractive. He was just as tall as Phil, had brown hair and eyes. But what killed me was the dimples. I didn’t mind not being around Phil because Dan was nearly always with him now, and I have not figured out how to use words around Dan. Today I planned on fixing that.

Since Dan’s been around, I’d been eating lunch in the library. It’s not that I was trying to avoid him, I was just trying to avoid him. I was going to change that after school today. My plan was to make a plan of attack at lunch, then execute it later. That changed when I headed towards the library and to my usual spot. It was a nice little corner in the library by a window. It was really secluded and surrounded by shelves. Great place to go if you didn’t want to be bothered. I was about to step out into the open, when I froze. I immediately backtracked and pressed myself up against the shelf. Dan was in my spot. Dan Howell. Was in. My spot. Only then did I remember that Phil was home ill today. Still being the new kid, Dan probably didn’t want to sit in that huge lunch room alone.

That brings us back to the present. With me still internally panicking about what to do. I know I was planning on talking to him today anyway, but I needed time to mentally prepare myself. Hence why I needed to make a plan of action. If only i was as charismatic as Phil. He literally makes friends with everyone. I peeked around the corner again and… Dan was gone. I stepped out from my hiding spot and looked around. Where did he go? I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped about a foot in the air and screamed. I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth as I saw a librarian give me a death stare. Dan was standing in front of me with a very amused expression on his face.

"Hi," he chuckled, "You’re Y/N, right? Phil’s friend?" I kept my hand over my mouth and nodded. Seriously, how do you words?

"I’m Dan. Phil mentioned I should find you if I needed anything today." Damn you, Philip. I lowered my hand slowly.

"h-he did? W-well I don’t know if I’ll be much help," I stuttered, "But I’ll try?" Dan smiled, revealing his dimples, "I’m in Drama. I have a monologue to present in a couple days. Phil was helping me practice, but… would you mind coming by my place later and helping me?"


"I want to make a kind of good impression," he added, "I’m afraid I’m gonna fuck it all up." My mind literally went blank. Dan just invited me to his house. That’s all that was going through my mind. Oh god. What do I do? Say something, Y/N! You’ve been zoned out too long! SPEAK! 

"Uh… Y/N?" Dan asked. I blinked my eyes, snapping out of my daze.

"Uh… okay. I can… help you. Yea." Dan smiled again, "Great! I’ll meet you after class, yea? Bye Y/N, thanks again!" He backed away slowly, then turned around, waving slightly. I watched him exit the library. Once he was gone, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding and collapsed on the floor.

"Did that really just happen?"

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