A Break in Character

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I was pacing. That’s how nervous I was. I was at the bottom of the stairs that led to the entrance of the school. I was getting so many dirty looks because I was pacing into peoples way. I pulled out my phone and dialed a number I knew all too well.

"Hello?" a slightly muffled voice answered.

"Philip!" I whispered into the phone. I have no clue why I was whispering. 

"Y/N?" he coughed slightly, "Everything alright?"

"No, everything is not alright! Who do you think you are getting sick all of a sudden?!" Phil laughed. How dare he laugh at me in my time of distress.

"Is this about Dan? He doesn’t know anyone else, Y/N. I felt bad leaving him stranded without anyone. I’m sure you’ll get on fine."

"But Phi—-"

"Hey Y/N! Sorry to keep you waiting," a voice cut me off. I quickly ended the call and turned to face Dan.

"N-no worries. It’s fine." I really need to work on not stuttering around him. Dan led me to his car. He was even nice enough to open my door for me. I watched as he walked around the car to the driver’s side. He slid in the car and stuck the key in the ignition. He started the engine and then immediately began fiddling with the radio. He wasn’t satisfied with any of the stations and ended up sticking a CD into the player. We finally pulled out of the parking lot and headed on our way.

"Muse?" I noted, clearing the silence from the car. Dan glanced at me briefly, slightly surprised.

"Yea," he nodded, "You know of them?" I shrugged, "They’re Phil’s favorite band."

"Mine too," Dan smiled, "This is a mix though. I hope you don’t mind being subjected to my musical tastes for a while." I shook my head. Wow, Y/N… you’re really great at keeping conversation. 

"I’m sorry," Dan says suddenly. It was my turn to look at him in surprise. He was staring straight ahead at the road, but he had a slight frown on his face.


"Dragging you out like this. I’m shit at meeting new people. With Phil sick, I didn’t really like the idea of being alone. He told me you were one of the few decent people in the school. I know we’ve never talked before, so I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I’m just so damn awkward sometimes."

"N-no. It’s fine. You’re fine. I’m kinda awkward too. It took Phil ages to crack my shell." Dan visibly relaxed, and I did as well. His little confession definitely made me feel a little more comfortable around him. Made me think we weren’t really that different. We sat in silence for a while, until Dan began to softly sing along with the music. We arrived at Dan’s moments later. I followed him to the door and waited patiently for  him to unlock it. He stepped to the side and gestured for me to walk inside first. I walked in slowly. I was always nervous when I visited someone’s home. I’m accident prone, so I was always afraid I’d end up breaking something.

"Wow. You haven’t been in a school a month and you’re already bringing girls home?" a voice said, causing me to jump slightly. Dan walked up from behind me and peered at a young boy standing just down the hallway. 

"Shut up, Adrian," Dan says, his cheeks go slightly pink, "It’s not like that."

"That’s what you always say," Adrian smirks. He tosses an apple in the air then takes a bite. He starts walking towards me and briefly stops at my side. I swear he checked me out before he ran up the stairs.

"Sorry about him," Dan apologizes, "He can be an annoying shit at time."

"He’s like a mini you," I blurt. Dan stares at me, then bursts out in laughter. He then offers me a drink and asks if I’m hungry. I just ask for some water, and follow him back into the kitchen. He pulls a couple glasses down from the cabinet and fills them with water. I take one of the glasses from him and take a sip.

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