Learning to Fly

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Previously on "Her Pirate Tail":

"Hey, onii-chan," Little Lucy looked sadly down at her brother's unmoving body. "Do you love me?"


"Hime-sama." The blonde raised her matted head, squinting with her good eye at the blurred figure at the doorway. Realizing who it was, she smiled sweetly.

"Did you also come to dance, Pirate-san?" Lucy grinned sadistically, gesturing to the blood that painted the walls of her cell. "It's not mine—"

Slap. Lucy was thrown across the room with the force of the punch. The blonde only continued smiling, looking up smugly at the rage-filled eyes of the Pirate Captain who had drawn his blade. Lucy smiled wider, revealing a mouthful of bloodied teeth.

"Knight-san looked nice in red," she mused. "No wonder she's called Scarlet." Lucy rose up from her chains to jerk towards Natsu. "I wonder if you would look nice in red. Would Yours Truly like to try and see?" Lucy cocked her head slowly, her eyes brimming with insanity as she giggled childishly. The pinkette tightened his grip on the hilt of his weapon.

The blonde hummed softly in victory. "Or maybe black would be better—no, black with red. White would be nice too," she sized him up. "The colors of corruption tainting purity, perfect." Lucy hated purity. It was a reminder of her past self. Her weak self. The side of her that she kept locked away for ten years. Ten or eleven—who knows. Either way Lucy wan't about to dress herself in white anymore. Red was the color for her.

"Y'know," she sighed, her eyes falling on the glint of metal at Pirate-san's side. "You guys really took me by surprise back there. I'm still not fully healed from that spear—nice going, by the way—the pain was incredible, never felt anything like it." Lucy sized him up, disappointed in her inability to get any type of response from Pirate-san. "Wonder where Lightning-kun is right now. Would he look good in red—no, scratch that. Everyone looked amazing in scarlet. Even you, Pirate-kun. I'm gonna drape your entire crew in shades of burning crimson, starting with Knight-san, and all the way, to you Pirate-san." 

The blonde smiled so wide she felt like her face was going to crack. She never smiled so much before. These Fairies were interesting—in fact, she liked them. So much that it was turning to love. The same love that she had for her parents and her onii-san.

"Don't you feel special, Pirate-kun? I'm going to save you for last, and carve into you slowly. Before that you can watch as I cut down your fake comrades. I'll start with the eyes—slowly pulling their beautiful orbs out by the blade, and then the limbs. Until all that's left is the head and the torso," Lucy pursed her lips. "Since I love y'all so much, I'll leave you guys alive. The skin will go first, and then the nose, the ears, the lips—"

"Don't f*ck with me, Hime!" Before Lucy could say another word, his blade was out and caught her across her face down to her chest, slicing open both cloth and flesh. Blood trickled down his blade, breaking the silence between the two. Wisely, the blonde took this as a sign to step down. From the corner of her eye, she watched Pirate-san storm out her cell in a flurry of silk and blades.

The blonde rocked back on her heels, rolling her wrist and stretching to the side.

She was going to get the hell out of here.


"Onee-chan, help—I can't swim!"

Little Lucy smiled sweetly at the figure that was splashing about in her family lake.

"Then learn how to swim," the little girl grinned. "That's why you're in there in the first place. Come on, kick! Use your arms!" The figure slowly disappeared in a pool of bubbles.

"Eh? Where are you?" Lucy looked around. Then she brightened, realization popping into her head. "You're playing hide-and-seek right? Onii-chan doesn't want Mommy to find him—I understand. I'll join you!" Little Lucy was about to waddle into the murky waters until she heard a voice calling for her. Instantly the little girl forgot about her Onii-chan.

"Hai, Okaa-sama!" Lucy squealed, skipping the rest of the way to where her Mommy was. Lucy loved her Mommy, she Lucy decided to give Mommy and Daddy a surprise of the ball next week at the estate. She was sure everyone would like it. "Yay, macaroons! Lulu-chan's favorite!" 

Little Lucy stared up at the sky, red crumbs sprinkled around her cheeks. The sky was so blue—she didn't like that. After all, Lucy loved red, right next to pink. So many things were red and pink; her ribbon, her toys, her macaroon, her book, her blood. Lucy was going to paint everything red one day, even the sky where Kami-sama was. She would bring her Mommy and Daddy to Kami-sama, and then everyone else. Then she would find more people that she loves—after all, Mommy always told her that in the future, she would meet many, many people Lucy will come to love. To love so much that she'll kill them. 

And then Lucy will fly up to the sky.

A few days later, a bloated corpse appeared at the Heartfilia pond, face bruised and bloated beyond recognizance. The authorities dubbed the corpse as a John Doe and forgot about it all. John Doe was thrown into a spare, empty grave.

John Doe was who we came to know as Laxus Dreyar.

Her Pirate Tail [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now