Fairy Tail

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A lone figure stood at the railings of his pirate ship, Fairy Tail. His spiky salmon hair moved in sync to the sea wind, the familiar salty tang of the ocean soothing the knowing in his stomach, knowing that although Igneel has disappeared, he still had his comrades and the old man.

"Cap'n!" He turned to see a familiar figure, his second in command, a redhead teenage girl in armor, her hat tilting on her head. Despite her boyish ways, he could still kind of see what Jellal saw in her—a beautiful girl trying to live life. Her dark eyes were stern, and her glare was deadly enough to bring down a full grown male.

"Report, Erza." It was not a plea nor a question, but a command.

"Saber Tooth was sighted, Cap'n," Erza monotoned, her voice flat yet sharp. "And Sting of Saber Tooth wishes to see you, our gunner Gajeel, and the Sky Maiden Wendy." He frowned. What did that jackass want with Gajeel and Wendy?

"Tell him to f**k off until he has a valid reason why he wants to see us," the Captain snapped. "And get Gajeel, Laxus, and Mira at the Starboard, and Elfman, Gray, and Juvia at the guns." He didn't need to state why.

Erza saluted him. "Right away, Cap'n Natsu, sir." As his second in command stalked away to bark out his orders, he retreated back into his cabin and pulled out an obsidian-colored cloak from inside the loose floorboard under his hammock. It's dark silk was made to blend in with the shadowy night. Natsu pulled it on, along with a black kimono with fiery designs dancing over where the obi would be. Tying a dark red cloth belt around his waist, he slipped a twin set of short katanas into its sheath, setting aside his cutlass and daggers. He reached behind him, feeling the familiar smoothness of the sheath of his blade, Yorukaze, an obsidian with silver crafted sword that was impossible to break, with flames leaping on the weapon.

Pulling his hood on, Natsu leapt off the ship and faded into the shadows of the night.


"Jellal—crow's nest!" Erza's blue-haired partner groaned, before clambering up the mast into the widely known and dreaded crow's nest, where anyone who fell is likely to break his or her neck or a bone if they were lucky. Hefting a worn telescope to his left eye, the one without the strange tattoo over it, he scanned the horizon, sighting only...well, ocean.

The Quarter Master swept his dark blue hair from his eyes, squinting in the glare of the sun.

"Nothin' 'round, Scarlet!" At his shout, Erza gave a curt nod, the sign for him to come down.

"Love you too, Erza!" Jellal yelled at her back, grinning mostly to himself. Erza let a little smile show, before turning to a middle aged yet powerful man with auburn hair, drinking heavily with his daughter, a brunette named Cana, who could drink everyone under the table.

"Gildarts!" The man paid her no mind.

Refusing to be ignored, Erza whipped out her blade. "YOU FOOLS," she thundered. At once the ship fell silent—no one wished to cross with Fairy Queen Erza Scarlet, also known as Titania, arguably the strongest woman aboard the Fairy Tail. "GET TO WORK, NOW." A couple of fool-hardy men hesitated.

"I'M COUNTING ON YA'LL!" If looks could kill, everyone would be a pile of ashes by now.

"And YOU, Gildarts!" The S-class Mage groaned, the blue fur ball that was Natsu's partner in battle falling off his head.

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