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"Are you ready?"

"Not yet Cedric..." A 14 year old Lilou said, to a young Cedric.

"Why didn't you pack yesterday?!" Exclaimed Cedric once again.

"Cedric" said Cedric's mom, as a warning to stop bothering Lilou, while she came into Lilou's room. "Honey, go get your stuff, while I help Lilou out. Ok?"

"Ok" said Cedric, running out of Lilou's room.


Not even a few minutes had passed, and both Cedric and Lilou where downstairs ready with all their belongings and things they'll need at Hogwarts. This was Lilou's first year there. Since she had lived in United States her hole life, and attended Ilvelmorny for her first year.

Sadly, a horrible tragedy happened. Giving Lilou the only option to move with her only lasting family the Lutner's, who at the moment, where on vacantion. So she stayed with the closes family friend, the Diggorys'. They not only where close friends with the family, they lived close to the Lutners' in the United Kingdom. So she obviously had to move schools for her second year.

"You guys ready?" Cedric's dad said, both of the kids nodding. "Ok then, let's go."

It didn't took long for them to arrive at the famous train station, in which both will take the train to Hogwarts. That, or the kids playing the hole way, made the ride go faster.

Lilou was fascinated by everything she saw, everything was so different and beautiful in her eyes. And when they told her she had to go through a wall to get to the station 9 and 3/4, she didn't doubt it one bit. Going through it like as if she's done it a thousand times.

Everything happened so fast. The train. The castle. The students. The hat. Being a Hufflepuff. Her mother was a Hufflepuff. So she was glad she got her mother's house. But everything was so magical and pure, that it was a little weird. Even the purest magic can be turn into the darkest one if it's use by the dark side. That, had her worried.

She didn't have to wait much for it though. Right on the first day of school, she got bullied. Everyone was making fun of her "accent", and where calling her names just because she had come from Ilvelmorny. She had no classes with Cedric, so she was all alone.

The only place she could be with him was at lunch time. But he had so many friends. It was difficult for her to talk to him. That, or he was just ignoring her. It couldn't cross her head that he was ignoring her. I mean. How can her childhood friend be ignoring her? That's ridiculous. He would never.

But, he was. If he saw her coming down the corridor, he would go back, and would go through another hallway. It didn't matter if he was late to class. He didn't wanted to be near her. He didn't wanted his friends to think he was friends with her. Yet along, he didn't wanted anyone to know she lived with him. It hurt him, a lot. He actually liked her. But he wanted his friends more than her. He wouldn't accept it. He never accepted it. But it was the truth.

At the end of the year, she was known as the Ilvelmorny mud-blood girl. And her hatred towards Cedric started. Luckily, the Lutners' had come back, and she started to stay with them. Not talking to Cedric anymore.

For her third year, it got better. She met Olsen Dunval, who was in most of her classes, and her roommate. Her bad reputation died down, and was know by almost nobody. And she was fine with it. Until Cedric started noticing her again.

This is horribly done, but I didn't wanted it to be long. Hopefully you understand.

Now you know why Lilou hates Cedric so much. Please, don't hate Cedric, he was just a kid. He obviously knew he was wrong, and learned from his actions. So don't hate the Cedric from this book.

Thanks for reading!

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