W-What Happened? Book 2 Chp 1

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Y/N  P.O.V

Screams and Cries were the last thing I heard...or so I thought. Cries were the only thing I heard now.....no screams....just sobs......And they sounded like.....Ein?! I jerk up and see that I was in the hospital....And it wasn't just Ein...It was everyone....everyone but dad.......even Aphmau, Coner, Frederick, Dottie, Rylan, Daniel, Ranger, Luna, Kai, Blaze,  And a few others.

"YOUR UP! OH THANK YOU IRENE! THE PRAYERS WORKED!!" All of my brothers yelled with Ein and Ranger. And Luna was now on top of me with a small little smile as she cried into my chest. I saw Ein with so many tears on his face you'd think he was me when I cried about dad. I was trying to get away from him.

"Stay aways from me cheater!" I semi yelled

"Babe whatever it was that you were dreaming it wasn't true! Please belive me!" He yelled as he hugged me.

"Where's my lovable huggable puppy at?"

Tears swelled in my eyes. i hugged him as hard as I could. His embrace calmed me. He pet my ears as I cried tears of joy. Turns out I was out for a month after crying like that....well I mean now I know I can't cry like that ever again. In that whole time I was out Luna learned how to walk in her human form. Of course she still switches into a wolf most of the time...Or that's at least what Ein told me.

"There wasn't a day from all that time that I didn't think of you" this calmed me I knew that it was Ein...My Ein. He hugged me tighter until the doctor came in. "I visted you everyday and cried and prayed...."

Docter:"Oh she's up. Well she can go home. Just don't have her watch any sad anime or movies that are heart wrenching like Marly and me."

"MAAAARRRLLLYYY WHY!" I joked "Hahaha yeah sure that movie is sad and I cried really hard when I watched it but come on. At least it's not I am legened."

"Yyyyooouuuu iiimmmmm......I'm done....you just had to bring up that movie...." Ein said with frown.

( I Am Legend is a movie about a man and his dog Sam. The man meets a women that has a son. His dog dies before he met the women and he was torn up about it. Long story short the man became a legend)

I giggle because that always triggered him.  I went into that bathroom and changed. And then we went home.

Eins P.O.V

Y/N was out for a month and then she woke. We went home and I explained everything to her.

"Well I'm Alpha. Daniel is the omega, and now me and Aphmu are the alpha couple. I'd rather be alpha with you." I said.

"Why Danny??"

" He's the weakest out of all werewolves. I'm not happy about it either. In fact I have to end up protecting the poor pup from time to time." I say

"Wait so is Aph going to give up he spot as Alpha??" Y/N said...That's a weird thing to ask.

"What?? No she's not. She loves her pups" I say kinda confused in why she said that. "Why did you ask??"

"Because....In my dream.....She gave up her position as alpha....And you cheated on me with Aph...T-thats why I yelled that you were a cheater." Y/N started to cry a little bit. I wiped away her tears.

"I would never do that....You know that sweetie" I said in a calming tone in my voice. She hugged me...It was unexpected but I hugged her back and kissed her.

"I love you...more than you know" Y/N said as she started to fall asleep in my embrace. She snored in an adorable way...Kinda like a werewolf pup...I want a future with her....A life that's perfect. Kids, a dog, tree house just like this one....A wife...And that lucky girl is Y/N....It pick her up bridel style and put her on the bed. I knew she would wake up so I slept with her. Ranger and Brycen slept in my room because i told them they could. I started to move my stuff into Y/N room again. That way this....'House' Wouldn't feel so empty. The boys would move into my room. When I was done moving my stuff back in I laid down and stared at the ceiling thinking of the future with Y/N. Then...Small little sobs from Y/N were heard....Why is she crying? Is it the same dream?........I promised myself I wouldn't use my magic but.....I have to..... I close my eyes and focus...Then a blur and I could see Y/N dream.

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