Episode 6

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Anton was slowly waking up. His head was suffering from a small headache. As he started to look around the room he began to notice he wasn't in his bed he wasn't even lying in a bed at all he was on a couch in somebody else's living room. “Boo,” Nina creeped up from behind the couch trying to scare Anton. Anton was startled. “Woah, what am I doing in your house? And did anything happen between us last night? Also what time is it?” Anton threw a few questions at Nina. “It just turned twelve. so good afternoon, and oh you mean like something sexy? Yeah something sexy did happen. I carried you all the way to my car. Realized yah couldn't be brought to your place so I had to lug you into my place up the stairs and everything. I then plopped yah on my couch, and wait this is the sexy part I went into my room changed into my pajamas and went straight to sleep cause guess what carrying someone who was suffering from head trauma is tiring,” Nina finished her long winded story. Anton chuckled lightly.

He stood up and started walking around the room. “I like your place it's nice,” Anton noted. “Thanks.” Anton walked up to a counter with a few framed pictures sitting on it. One was a picture of Nina and Aika sharing a new year's kiss. Another picture was of a younger looking blonde girl hugging Nina as Nina casually put her arm around the girl's shoulder. “Who's that?” Anton asked as he pointed at the blonde girl. “Oh she's like my niece, but she’s my cousin.” “Oh Nick had siblings?” Anton asked. “Oh no, she's family from my mother’s side. She's actually the granddaughter from my mother's sister if I were to be specific,” Nina explained. “Oh, will she knock me out too?” Nina laughed. “Oh no she's a sweet girl doesn't even know about what my dad does. But hey if you get on her bad side maybe,” she said to Anton. Nina’s phone rang. “Oh speaking of her,” Nina said as she picked up the phone, and walked across the room. Anton sat back down on the couch and started to check his phone, as Nina talked on the phone.

“Hey what's up Macey?” Nina asked.

“Hey Nina! How’ve you been? I was planning on doing some shopping today and I was wondering if you’b be able to give me a ride? I usually hang out with some friends, but I wanted to spend some time with my cuz. You mind going to the mall or something?” Macey responded on the other line. “Oh man yeah! I'm not working today so I'm totally good to hang  but is everything all good you don’t call like this often?” Nina asked. “Oh yeah! I'm fine. It's you I want to catch up with! How about later today?” Macey responded. “Oh in an hour or two sounds great. I just woke up. I'm going to do something really quick, and then I'll see you. Peace out homie,” Nina ended the call.

Anton stopped looking at his phone. “Yo uhm your dad texted me. He wants me to go see him later. Can you take me back to my place, I need to take a shower and stuff?” Anton asked her. “Sure, but you can also take a shower here?” Nina said sarcastically. Anton’s face turned red. “Oh well… I don't have a change of clothes,” Anton let his words drip. Nina smiled. “Calm down I'll give you a ride right now,” she replied. Nina went into her room put on a hoodie and grabbed her car keys. They bolted to the car, and set off. “Oh man I just remembered my car is at Jay’s place. Can you bring me there?” Anton asked. “Oh okay no problem,” Nina replied.

“So you're gonna hang out with that girl later?” Anton asked her. “Yeah we're going to the mall. You know chilling,” Nina said as she winked at Anton. “And i'm going to hang out with your dad I guess,” “Well sounds like your gonna have way more fun then,” Nina said. Anton sighed.  

In some time Nina and Anton made it to Jay’s neighborhood. Nina pulled up by the curb. Anton looked at Nina and leaned in closer to her, but kept on bobbing his head from side to side deciding whether or not he was gonna kiss her on the right cheek, left cheek, or right on the lips. This went on for a second or two until Nina finally ended it and kissed him on the cheek. “You lost this time. Bye Anton,” she said with a light in her voice. Anton shook his head and got out the car. He turned around and waved goodbye with a smile on his face. Anton then jogged to his car and started driving back to his home that was on the same borough as Jay’s. Nina then drove away. She started driving towards Macey's house that was back in Kingsley.

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