Episode 10

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Nina woke up shivering from the frigid temperatures of her house. She looked over to the other side of the bed. Anton had seized all of the blanket for himself. 'There is a regret somewhere,' Nina joked to herself. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone and looked at the time. It was 6:27 not as early as she thought. She quickly crawled out of bed and searched for a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. She found them and put them on. Feeling a little less cold she went along and completed her morning routine. "I'm still cold as hell," Nina complained to herself. She went to her kitchen and used her espresso machine and made a hot cup of coffee for herself. She looked on her phone and glanced at her schedule and reminded herself she was on duty beginning at 8:00 a clock just over an hour away from now. She slid back into her bedroom and grabbed some clothes including a white button-up shirt and a pair of black slacks. She grabbed a towel and hopped into the shower.

As soon as she was done taking a shower she got dressed and went back into the bedroom."Hey sexy," Nina said as she poked Anton. Anton awoke to Nina's pestering. "Oooh wow dress-y clothes. What's up with that?" Anton said with a yawn. "I'm working today. And I trust you, I showed you where the bathroom and stuff is last night. You can also help yourself to whatever's in the kitchen. Just don't break my espresso machine. That thing is expensive," Nina answered. Anton sat up, and Nina sat beside him and put her head on Anton's chest. She could hear his heartbeat. Anton put his arms around her. "I feel like I've known you forever," Anton confessed. "Oh shut up, that's just the hormones talking," Nina joked. "Heh, probably," Anton said. He hugged her a little tighter and started kissing her. Nina kissed him back but then receded. "Yeah I gotta go to my precinct. I really shouldn't be late," Nina said. Anton ignored what she said and kissed her again. "I'm sorry, I'm just making up for the times I choked," he said. "Oh you're sweet, but your mouth isn't. Go brush your teeth. There is a pack of new toothbrushes under the sink," Nina embarrassed him. Anton got up and went to the bathroom. Nina sprang out the bed and put on her shoes. Anton got out the bathroom. Nina walked up to him and kissed him. "There that's better," she said. Nina went and grabbed her gun and badge that she kept locked in a small safe. "Hey stay safe," Anton said earnestly. "I should be saying that to you. Your dumbass is probably constantly walking into gunfights with a branch," she replied in jest and seriously at the same time.

Anton stared at Nina for a second. Nina smiled then looked away. "You know you're the first guy I've ever dated," Nina said out of the blue. "Huh I'm the first guy you've ever been with?" Anton said. Nina laughed. "No, I didn't say that," she answered with a smile. "Oh?" Anton said a little surprised. "I wasn't really about monogamy back when I dated Aika. I got around a lot," Nina admitted. Anton blushed and looked down at the ground. Nina leveled his head up and kissed him. "Don't worry you're the first guy I can call my boyfriend, and I don't roll like that anymore," Nina assured Anton as she kissed him again. Anton nodded. Nina started moving towards the door. "Hey how's your father gonna feel about this?" Anton asked. "Oh don't tell him about this yet. I'm a grown woman, and I can do what I want, but doing his workers I don't know?" Nina shrugged with a smirk. Anton chuckled at what she said. "Bye Anton," she said before heading out the door.

Nina briskly walked down the flights of stairs and got in her car and started driving off towards her precinct. The ride was not too long she made it to her precinct quickly and was able to clock in on time. She was met at the entrance of their office by her superior officer. Nina immediately sighed. "Oh good you made it Detective. I was beginning to think that you forgot that your on duty today. We got a missing person's case for you. Some husband called in about his wife who works for Orion industries went missing. She hasn't been seen for about two days. This one is fresh and we usually don't take missing persons cases this soon, but Orion is a big benefactor of the New Athens Police Department I thought I'd make an exception," her superior officer explained with an attitude. Nina grumbled. As she started to walk towards the office desks. "I hate you and your kiss ass self," she said below her breath. Nina disliked how a public serving agency like their police department took money from companies looking to have officials on their side. She also seen her superior as buying into the system. "Oh what did you say Detective Valentine?" Her superior said. Nina's hair stood up. "Oh nothing," she quickly replied and went to her desk.

Nina looked at the relatively empty case file that was lying on her desk. All the case had was that she worked for Orion, her address where she lived with her husband and son and her name. Nina turned in her chair. "Hey Jackson are you busy?" Jackson turned to Nina. "No what do you need?" He answered. "I want your help finding our friend Reese," Nina said as she pointed at the empty case file. Jackson shook his head. "Why me?" "Well you're one of the only certified technicians here. I'm gonna need you on this case," she said as she pointed at the case file again. "They're always giving you the terrible cases. I'm good," Jackson replied. "Please," Nina begged with puppy dog eyes. "No." "Pretty please," Nina added with the same expression. "Fine," Jackson gave in. "Great we're heading out now then. Bring your kit might need it," Nina said as she got up and started walking outside to her police vehicle. They were heading for the husband's house.

They got their and walked up to the door. Nina knocked on the door. "It's the NAPD sir," Nina announced herself. The husband opened the door. "Detective Valentine you are Reese's husband right?" Nina greeted him as she had her badge out and hand ready for a shake. "Yeah my name's Nolan. Thanks for coming," he said as he shook Nina's hand. He gestured for them to come in. They entered the house. They all sat down in the living room. "Is there anything you two would like? A drink or something?" Nolan asked Nina and Jackson. "Yeah I'll have some wine," Jackson quickly replied. Nina gave him a look of dismay. "He's just kidding we'll both have a glass of water," Nina interjected. Nolan laughed and got up and poured two glasses of water. He gave them the glasses and sat back down. "So your wife she's been missing for two days?" Nina asked. "Yeah and it's odd. She may work a lot but she always makes sure to come back home for dinner, tuck in our son, spend time with me and sleep in a bed," Nolan explained. Nina nodded her head. "Have you noticed anything off about her recently, before she disappeared that is?" Nina followed up with another question. "No," Nolan said in an unsure voice. "Are you sure about that?" She said. "Uhm well she was getting here later than before and seemed a bit more stressed than usual, and when she was here she spent more time in her home office," Nolan answered. "Hmm, can you show me her home office?" Nina asked. "Uhm, yeah," Nolan said as he got up and lead them to the office.

Nina gestured towards the door asking if it was okay to open it. Nolan nodded. She attempted to twist the doorknob but it was locked. "Oh I don't know where she kept the key," Nolan said in a mellow tone. "Is it okay if I pick the lock?" She asked Nolan. "Well yeah I guess," he said slightly unsure. "Don't worry finding your wife is my priority," Nina assured him as she knelt down and reached for hairpins she had in her pocket. She struggled a bit with the lock but eventually unlocked it. They all walked into the room and were greeted to a well organized and clean office space. All the desk had on it was a computer. Nina glanced at Jackson. "Hey Nolan can we break into the computer?" Nina asked. "If it's going to help you find her okay," Nolan said. He wasn't sure if Nina was pushing hard or doing her job to the best of her ability. Jackson reluctantly took out a hard drive that he used to crack passwords and plugged it into the computer. In little time they cracked the passwords. Nina was now looking over Jackson's shoulder. Nina gestured to him to move out of the chair. She wanted to look for files that could help her find Reese. She found multiple documents containing logs of payments done to a mercenary group and references to the Kingston docks her father once had full control over. Nina had a flash drive on her key chain. She copied all the relevant files to it, shut down the computer and unplugged the hard drive. "I think I have what I need to find your wife Nolan. I'm gonna follow up soon I'm gonna want to check a few more things before I act, okay? Nina explained. Nolan nodded at what she said. Nina and Jackson got out Nolan's home and made it back to Nina's car. Nina turned the car on and headed back to the precinct.

Nina pulled up by the curb of the precinct. "You can go back to whatever it is you were doing before," Nina smirked. "You sure you don't need me anymore?" Jackson asked. "Nah I wanna handle the rest on my own, but thanks." Jackson let out a breath of relief, opened the car door, walked towards the precinct, and waved goodbye before he entered. Nina waved back. Nina liked most of the officers and agents employed in her precinct, but disliked being there and avoided doing so whenever possible. She drove to a small smoothie shop that was near by, parked the car, went in, quickly ordered a fruit smoothie, went back to her car and used the computer that was equipped in her police vehicle to go through the files she copied as she sipped on the smoothie she had bought. Going through the files Nina noticed the payments on the payroll were bi-weekly and the latest payment should have been two days ago. 'Reese was playing a dangerous game, and it looks like she lost at it,' Nina thought to herself. NIna knew those docks were closely tied to her father, but also suspected Akio having a hand in Reese's disappearance considering the brashness of the situation and Akio's sudden reappearance in New Athens.

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