Episode 11

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"Bye Anton," Nina said before leaving him alone in her own home. Nina closed the door behind her and was gone. Anton roamed around the living the room. He sat down on the couch and just glanced around the room. Anton noticed how the house while not entirely clean was organized. He thought about Nina.

I feel like we're taking this pretty quickly hasn't been a week, and I've slept at her place a few times. Are yah having fun? Do you like her? Are you comfortable with it? Yeah. Then why question it? Seems like a waste of time to me.

"Hmm," Anton said to himself.

I think your right. Nick's gonna see it as a disrespect if I don't tell him I'm dating Nina. Seems like an issue for another day. Maybe.

With that thought Anton's phone started to ring. He scrambled for the phone in his pocket. It was Nick who was calling. Anton picked up the phone. "Oh good morning," Anton addressed Nicholas. "Good morning Anton. We need you over here. Jay has his doubts about this Colt guy. He's saying some stuff about how he remembers this guy being a merc and going rogue and holding us over for the docs on his own wouldn't be in his M.O. unless he was being paid by someone else to do this," Nick explained. "Okay, I actually have some stuff to say about this. I'll be there as soon as possible," Anton spoke then ended the call.

You're going to tell him who's really controlling the docks? Yeah you're right if I try to dance around this things won't turn out good.

He started to haphazardly put on his shoes and outerwear. He walked into the kitchen and seen a banana on the counter. Anton shrugged his shoulders and grabbed it. He ran outside and started to eat the banana as he drove to Nick's home.

Anton pulled into Nick's driveway, went inside the house, and walked into his office finding Jay and Nick calmly talking. "So what was it you had to tell us?" Nick said to Anton as he walked in and took a seat. "Well it has to with what you guys were talking about. Your right Colt is just a paid mercenary. The one really behind this is Aika Suisei," Anton said bluntly. Nick sighed. "Was she the one who put you up to lying?" Nick asked. "Yeah she has a sort of intimidating undertone," Anton said. "I never liked her. Back when Nina just got out of highschool Aika asked me for Nina's hand in marriage like it was medieval times or something. I said no and she got very serious with me and threatened me saying all these Shakespearian like lines, and then threatened me in a very cold tone. At the time she appeared to be sweet and reserved, but she showed me exactly who she was going to become that day," Nick finished. "Well we have to hit her hard. If we're going to do something about it we can't just call her up about our issues she's dangerous," Jay said aloud making his opinion heard. "No, Aika may be a snake, but we're not. I will not do that. Anton try calling her first. If she doesn't pick up we'll see her personally. You do remember where she's staying right Anton?" Anton nodded his head. "Yeah I do," he said as he grabbed his phone and started calling her.

Aika was sleeping in her bed. Her phone was in the living room ringing quite loudly waking up a violet haired woman who was sleeping beside Aika. The woman slowly sat up and looked at Aika. "Hey, hey, get up someone's calling you," she said in a low tone as she shook Aika. Aika nudged her eyes open slightly. "Who even are you?" She said as she closed her eyes again and tried to go back to sleep. "Do you even remember inviting me here?" The woman said. "Oh my god. Can you shut up? Your talking like you're so hot or something. You're probably like a seven. So just leave me alone and go back to sleep," Aika said in a drowsy voice as she turned away from her. The woman rolled her eyes and got up off the bed. "Like what's your problem? You picked up some random girl you just met at a party, brought her to your house, then went right to sleep," the woman explained. Aika was a bit more alert now. She opened her eyes and turned to look at her. "I didn't want to be alone," Aika said in a solemn voice. The woman crossed her arms and sighed. "I've made some big decisions, and that phone call are the consequences. I know that," Aika added. The woman brushed some of her hair away from her left eye. The woman looked on at Aika with a straight face. "Doesn't sound like I can help you with your other problems, but loneliness I think I can help with that," she said in a playful tone.

Aika got up from the bed. "So what's your name again? You probably told me yesterday, but I'd be lying if I told you I was paying attention," Aika said as she got up on her feet. "My name's Briar," she said. "I think you should get going then Briar. Wouldn't want you getting all caught up in my bull." Briar nodded her head. She got all of her stuff together. She then walked through the living room and tapped her phone on Aika's phone that was still ringing. "There you got my number. Just call me for whatever. Maybe we can like have a date like normal people before we have a sleep over," Briar said. "Yeah maybe," Aika responded with a laugh. Briar left and Aika walked up to her ringing phone and took a deep breath.

"Hello," Aika answered the phone. "Oh my god. I've been calling you for awhile now, but never mind that. We are all ready on our way there Nicolas' patience isn't really that big," Anton said. "I'm well aware of that," she said over the phone. "Just stay there please," Anton said in a nervous tone. "Hey Anton chill out. I'm not angry at you for snitching. We gotta do, what we gotta do right?" Aika said before hanging up the phone. She laid down on her couch and stared at the ceiling waiting for them to arrive.

She heard knocking at the door. "It's unlocked!" She yelled. They heard her and came in. Aika stood up and met them by the door. "Ooo Jay, if I wasn't gay I would definitely be vying for you. Did you end up marrying that blonde girl? What was her name? Oh yeah Carissa she was hot too. You're both so perfect for each other," Aika said. Aika shook his hand and moved on to Anton. She opened her arms wide waiting for a hug from Anton. Once Anton complied she hugged him. Aika found a familiar smell when she hugged him. She smiled and receded from the hug. "Good morning Nicholas," Aika said as she went to Nick and gave him a handshake. "Good morning," Nick awkwardly replied. Aika walked to her couch sat down and got comfortable, she waved at the group telling them to take a seat. They all sat down in the living room. Aika was staring at Anton with a curious look. "Nicholas when I was dating Nina you knew about it right? Like sure we snuck out here and there, but you knew about us being a thing?," Aika asked. "Yeah I did," Nick said slightly annoyed. "Well Anton is sleeping with Nina. Sure Nina is a big girl now and can do what she wants, but isn't it kind of disrespectful of Anton?" Aika said out loud. Anton's eyes sprang wide open.

Haha ha.

"That's not fair, you can't try to make me the dishonest guy. What do you want me to do, say 'Hey boss your tie looks nice, by the way your daughter and me just hit home base.' That's weird," Anton said defensively. "Could have at least told him you hit first," Aika said in a smug tone. Jay laughed at the whole situation. Nick was looking down at the ground, he sighed. "Can you just stop trying to stall or deflect, whatever it is you are doing," Nick said annoyed. Aika put on a smile and laughed. She leaned in towards Anton. "I'm curious who initiated, and was it hot?" Aika said in a whisper, but still loud enough for everyone to hear. Nick shook his head. "Please don't answer that," he said. "We came here to talk about you trying to play us," Jay interjected. Aika leaned back into the couch. "Oh that, it wasn't my idea. My dad told me to do that stuff from the beginning. Your problems aren't with me there with him. I'd be glad to get you guys in the same room together," she said rather confidently. She crossed her legs and looked at her nails. She held her hand out making sure everyone else could see her nails. "Seems like it's time for a manicure, huh?" Aika said. Everyone ignored her. She continued to look at her nails.

Nick stood up "Fine I wanna see Akio as soon possible," Nick said. "I'll make sure he's at the docks today. He's definitely gonna be hesitant and bring back up so if you want an even playing field bring some guys along. I'll call yah when we're at the docks" Aika said. Nick nodded. Jay and Anton both stood up and started to walk out the house. Aika stopped Anton and kissed him on the cheek. "Pass it on to Nina for me?" She asked of Anton. Anton awkwardly nodded and left out the door. Jay followed him. Nick was about to exit as Aika caught his attention. Aika's gleeful expression became very serious "Let me tell you something's about what's going to happen okay?" Aika said. Nick stood ready to hear what she had to say.

Anton and Jay were already sitting in the car waiting for Nick. "So you're dating Nina huh?" Jay asked. "Yeah I am," Anton responded. "Cool," Jay nodded. "What no treat her nicely type spiel?" Anton exclaimed. Jay chuckled. "Oh no the only other person Nina's actually dated was Aika, and she went from a straight A student and our future president to whatever she is now. If anything I should be telling you to be careful," Jay joked. Anton slowly nodded back at what Jay said. Nick got out the house now and made it to the car. "We have a few things to get ready," Nick said as he got comfortable. Anton nodded and turned the car on.

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