Chapter 4.2 Fire Meeting

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What do I do once she's gone?

For the next hours Alam felt alone, surrounded by a sea of joy. Around him there was no talk of sadness. Food was eaten. Drink was drunk. Songs were sung. Even through his gloom Alam could tell that a feeling of peace and joy permeated the camp.

Once the eating was finished Urlock brought out the prizes. The clan gathered around excitedly. He started by giving out the weapons and armour claimed from both the valley raid, and the dargu attack. The recipients accepted them eagerly and loudly: swinging swords in the air, and flashing the mail and shields around. Urlock then revealed the veteran's sword and armour. They were things of beauty which caused an intake of breath from more than one warrior. Urlock passed them around so that they could be appreciated more fully. The crowd looked from face to face, wondering who would be the fortunate person to receive them.

"These we trade," said Urlock. Disappointment was clear on many faces. "They will fetch a good price. We will exchange them for furs, or perhaps breeding mares. Also, I do not want to give the impression that I think any of our warriors are more important than others. If I were to give these to anyone, including myself, it could set up envy among friends, and eat away at the unity of our clan."

Many of the warriors knew they would never hold a blade and armour of their like again. None the less, everyone bowed their head twice to show that they agreed with the wisdom of their chief. Next, he brought out the clothing, food items, and boxes of general supplies. These were shared out evenly among the families. After that were the horses. They had been corralled separately from the rest of the clan's horses, and had been a big topic of speculation. A good horse was central to a family's prosperity and status. One at a time he called someone up to claim a beast. As he did so he explained why each one was given. The last horse was the finest - the tall, magnificent, proud grey that had belonged to the veteran.

"The final horse goes to Alam."

The shock was enough to pull him out of his misery.

"What? Why me?"

Tajar nudged him in the ribs. "Get moving. And you might want to close your mouth," he whispered.

Alam walked up, bowed low, and took the reins of the horse from his chief.

"Thank you Chief Urlock. I do not deserve such a beast."

"You are the only one in the clan tall enough to ride her without looking ridiculous," he replied with a smile.

Alam bowed low a second time while everyone hooted in celebration for him. Alam led the beautiful beast back out of the circle, beyond the tents, and to the corral. He stroked her neck, checked her teeth, felt her legs, and examined her hooves.

"You are perfect," he told the horse while patting her neck. "I wonder if you are a sign?"

Alam left these thoughts behind, and returned to the fire. Urlock had brought out the chest of coins claimed in the raid, and the sorcerer's large book.

"I now ask for the wisdom of the clan to decide what to do with the next items. There are more than four hundred silver coins, two hundred copper coins and 18 coins of gold in this box!" To illustrate he poured the coins onto the ground. Silence. No one had ever seen such a treasure. It was wealth beyond their reckoning.

"We also claimed this book from a sorcerer. The writing in it is strange. No one that I have asked can read it. If it is just a book it is worth something - though I do not know what - but if these words have something to do with magic it could be extremely valuable. So my question is what do we do with them?"

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