8. Gray and Kels

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graysondolan - Hey princess

kelseyfox - GRAYSON

graysondolan - what's up? 😂

kelseyfox - Taylor keeps dying my hair
other than that, nothing 🤷‍♀️

graysondolan - keeping it pink? or nah

kelseyfox - staying pink :)))))

graysondolan - how many chins does that face need?

kelseyfox - AHAHAH , don't offend
the chins :(

graysondolan - I'm not princess :)
Wanna hang out sometime?

kelseyfox - OF COURSE I DO!

graysondolan - Are you a fan?

kelseyfox - Is it a bad thing?

graysondolan - Nope, you'll be cuter when I meet you :)

kelseyfox - I'll be extra cute then

graysondolan - here my number **********
I hate DMing

kelseyfox - ok, where r we meeting?

graysondolan - IN AND OUT. duh
the one near my apartment

kelseyfox - yesss food. btw,p can i bring Tay?

graysondolan - yeah, i'll bring Ethan
ALSO, since it's like 5pm.. meet me there soon

kelseyfox - OKAY SEE YOU THERE

graysondolan - bye 😂

kelseyfox - toodles 👋

" TAYLOR ROSE WOOD! " I scream

" Yes your majesty? " Taylor comes rushing into my room

" We're going to in and out " I inform

I stand up and begin walking to the front door of the apartment.

" Why? " She asks following me

" To meet Ethan and Grayson " I shrug

" OMG YES. I get to meet daddy " She squeals

I roll my eyes and open the door, Taylor pushes me and I bash into the wall opposite the door. I groan and Taylor closes the door, She smiles at me and drapes an arm over my shoulders.

" You love me, really. " She says

" I do, But my face hurts now. " I sigh

" Deal with it " She chuckles

We call an Uber to pick us up, We give her the directions and she starts driving to in and out.

" I'm so nervous " I slouch into the chair

" How?! Your meeting daddy " Taylor furrows her brows

" What if he doesn't like me?! " I question

" You'll be fine " She slaps my thigh playfully

10 minutes later...

" Here you go girls " The lady smiles at us

" Thanks " I smile opening the car door

Taylor, being the weirdo she is, crawls over the seats and gets out the door on my side. I close the door after Taylor hops out, She wraps her arms around me.

" Don't be nervous.. " She sighs

" You've loved them for years, since they started vine and youtube. You're basically their number one fan " She shrugs

" Yeah.. but people might think I'm a gold digger or something " I put my arm over Taylor's shoulders

" Just because your a model doesn't mean people would think that.. " She reassures

" I guess your right.. " I admit

" Now, Lets go see them! " She squeals

We walk into in and out, and don't see them. We stroll back outside to wait for them, I sit on a wall outside in and out.

" I see them " Taylor points out

I glance at Grayson and Ethan making sure it was them, When I saw Grayson's damm jawline I knew it was him. I hop off the wall and wait for them to come closer before I go to him. He smiles at me and I run towards him, He holds his arms out and I jump into them. He wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes me softly, I start to feel my eyes become foggy.

" Fucking potatoes, I've finally met you " I unwrap my legs from around his waist and stand again

" Don't cry princess " He wipes the tears away with his thumb

" I love you so much " I dry my eyes with the hoodie sleeve

" Big fan? " He questions

" Mhm " I nod

He laughs softly before bringing me close to him chest, He hugs me and I hug him back. Then, I hear a camera sound, I let go of Grayson and see Taylor basically fangirling over us hugging.

" THIS IS GOING ON INSTA " She screams

I smile and look back up at Grayson, He was biting his lip gazing into my eyes.

" I have an idea " I say

" What's that? " He questions

" Lets all be besties!!! " I chirp

" Okay, bestie " He pinches my nose

" Yayyyy " Taylor squeals


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