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I was sitting on the couch playing COD while I waited for Grayson to get here, I hear the door knob turn and the door opens. He smiles at me and closes the door with his foot, He walks over to me and sits next to me.

" Princess.. " He starts

" Why's Madison saying those things? " I ask paying attention to the TV

" Uh- No reason " He says quickly

" Grayson.. " I groan

" Kelsey, seriously? You don't need to know everything " He looks away from me annoyed

I turn the TV off and throw the Xbox controller next to me, I sit cross legged on the couch and turn to face Grayson. He takes a glimpse at me before looking away.

I sigh and glance down at my lap, I pick at my nails nervously.

" I'm sorry " He blurts

" For what? " I question

" I'm a bad boyfriend " He sighs

I look up at his furrowing my eyebrows worriedly, I gulp and push hair out of my face.

" What'd you do? " I ask

" Don't get mad.. " He glances at me

" Depends.. " I purse my lips nervously

" I.. uh- had sex with Madison... " He scratches the back of his neck

" Oh... w-why? " I stutter

" It was when you left for Jersey.. I-I missed you so, I just went to Madison and she said she could help " He rolls his eyes

" Please leave " I demand

" Kelsey, I'm not leaving. " He implies

" You'll do something stupid and It'll be my fault " I admits

" I don't care, leave " I say as my eyes become foggy

" I'm not leaving " He argues

" You're a fucking asshole, you know that right? " I yell slightly

Just then, tears begin falling down my cheeks. Before I could wipe the tears away, Grayson puts his thumbs under my eyes and brushes away the tears.

" I know. " He sighs

" -And I'm sorry " He adds

" Stop doing that " I demand still sobbing

" Doing what? " He questions

" Being an asshole and making me love you " I dry my eyes with the sweater sleeve

" I can't help it princess " He shrugs

" I hate you " I mumble

" I know " He sighs

I jump wrapping my arms around him making him fall backwards, He lays on the couch with me on top of him. He puts one of his hands on my back and the other on my ass.

" Gray.. " I whine

He moves his hand to face and wipes away the tears that fell when I hugged him, After he caresses my face. I sigh lightly and rest my head on his chest while he rests his chin on my head.

" I'm sorry " I gulp

" Sorry for what? " He asks confused

" overreacting " I shrug

" Don't be sorry, I'm the one that cheated " He rubs my back

" R-Right " I stutter

" So, Unfortunately I still love you " I smile

" I love you too princess " she quickly squeezes my butt

I gasp and put my hand through his pants then quickly squeeze it leaving my hand there.


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