12. Kelsey

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" Kels! " I hear someone yell

I smile and look up and see a girl rushing towards me. I stand up from the bench and the girl wraps her arms around me.

" I love you " The girl says against my shoulder

" I love you too girly, what's ya name? " I ask

" Poppy " She smiles releasing from the hug

Just then, A few other girls come up to us.

" Omg, Kels. You weren't kidding " One girl laughs

" You're so pretty " Another shouts

" Guys, chill out " I chuckle

" Can we have photos? " Poppy asks

" Sure " I smile

After taking photos with like 12 girls, they all left. I sat back dow on the bench, I crossed my leg over the other and pulled my phone out my jeans pocket. I needed someone to pick me up, So I decide to text Grayson.

Me - Graybæ, come pick me up please
Graybæ 🌸😇 - Where are you?
Me - The groove
Graybæ 🌸😇 - I'm coming
Me - Yay 🎉

I put my phone back in the pocket and wait from Grayson, As I was waiting a girl walks over to me. She looked my age, blonde hair and kinda pretty.

" Excuse me " She says

I glance at her.

" Yes? " I furrow my brows

" Get away from Grayson " She demands

" No thanks. " I shake my head

" He's mine! " She shouts

" Don't make a god damn scene " I roll my eyes

" Do you even know who I am?! " She asks annoyed

" Nope, don't want to either " I shrug

" Does Meredith ring a bell? " She smirks

" Ethan's ex girlfriend? why the hell did he date you, snake " I scoff

" Wait til the media finds about this " She holds up a recording

" Tell everyone, won't change Grayson and I's relationship " I stand up

" Kels " I hear someone say

I look to my left to see Grayson walking towards me, I smile and stroll over to poking my tongue out at Meredith. I kiss Grayson on his jawline and I glare back at Meredith who was about to beat something, Grayson looks over at Meredith then me. He smirks before crashing his lips down onto mine, I'm startled at first but soon ease into it.

" You whore! " Meredith shouts before storming off

" I hate that bitch " Grayson says

" Uh- yeah me too " I smile nervously

" You're so cute " He squishes my cheeks

" Thank you " I smile

Um. start dating or nah?

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