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2 Months Later..

I was already back in LA, Haven't seen Grayson in awhile; didn't want to either. Ethan and I became close, Meredith started dating Grayson.. shocking I know.

It still hurt every night, I cried, around 2 hours of sleep each night.. I didn't exactly know how to deal with it. I guess I've been depressed, lonely, afraid, hurt, confused and most of all broken. I've never been heartbroken like this before, you can call it dramatic.. or over the top, I just don't care anymore.

I know, It's my first break up.. deal with it. I can't deal with it, I'm so broken I isolate myself in my room whenever I can.. I had no parents or adults to give me advice. I just had Ethan, Taylor and the fans. Oh well..

At the moment, Taylor and I were walking around LA doing nothing, I took occasional photos with fans.. most of them asking about Grayson, which made me cry in front of them. i'm so pathetic, gosh.

" Kels " Taylor says

" Yeah? " I reply

" Maybe we should.. go the other way " She suggests

" Why?? " I question

" Uh- " She gets cut off by a cough

" Hi Taylor, Kelsey " A girl says

I look up from the ground, I glance at Meredith clinging to Grayson's arm.

" Oh- Hey " I don't make eye contact

" How've you been? " Meredith asks

" Fine. thanks " I shrug

" We're going now " Taylor pushes me lightly gesturing me to walk away

" She has to get over it Taylor, Look; She's even to scared to make eye contact with him " Meredith states

" Meredith, Go away. What did I do to you? " I look up at her

" It doesn't matter, You're a bitch and I'm going to make sure everyone knows " She smiles evilly

I glance at Grayson, He cracks a smile and looks away from me. I roll
my eyes, I begin to walk away but someone puts their hand on my shoulder. I furrow my brows at look up at Grayson.

" Let me explain.. please " He shrugs

" Fine. " I sigh

" Tay, I'll be back. okay? " I look at her

She glances at me then Grayson, She smiles slightly and nods. Grayson starts to walk away and I quickly stroll next to him. He stops when we're a few meters away from Meredith and Taylor. I stop too and look at the ground, I twiddle with my thumbs behind my back.

" I'm sorry. " Grayson begins

I sigh heavily.

" I-I don't know why I got with Meredith.. I hate her " He informs

I gulp and keep quite.

" I still like you Kels.. " He shrugs

" Unfortunately, I do to! It's breaking me Grayson " I admit

I look up making eye contact with him, He licks his lips and runs a hand through his hair.

" We were together for a few days and you cheated. " I sigh

" I can't get you out of mind " I scratch my arm nervously

" I'm breaking up with Meredith today " He implies

" Okay, That's a great ass idea " I scoff

" She's hate me more " I roll my eyes

He places his hands on each of my shoulders, I smile at his touch. I missed this.

" Let me start over. " He demands

" O-Okay " I bite my lip

He cups my cheeks and kisses me, I go on my tippy toes and put my arms on his shoulder pushing myself up. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.

" THATS MY GIRL. " Taylor shouts


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