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~22nd March 2017 6:15pm~
Bridget's outfit ^^ (it's a dress)

Justin's late. Maybe the plane didn't land? Maybe they didn't let him through the airport. Maybe his plane landed at six and that's why he's taking a long time. I race around the house, making sure everything is clean, not like Justin will care. I keep checking my phone and looking outside the windows. Butterflies racing around my stomach. I shouldn't have butterflies, I don't even like him that way, okay maybe I do. It reaches seven o'clock and I hear a car pull up. My heart starts racing, I look out the window and see Justin get out of the car. I start screaming on the inside.

The door bell rings and I race towards the door, I look back at mom and she comes to stand next to me. I take a deep breath before I slowly open the door. I see Justin standing at the door, holding flowers and two bags of food.

"Hi," I say awkwardly.

"Hello, and hello Bridget's mom,"

"You can call me Amanda," mom says. He hands her the flowers and one of the bags and gives me the other bag.

"I heard you were pregnant so I bought you some chocolate and stopped at McDonald's, I didn't know what to get you," he looks at me and says,

"And I got you practically the same." We all laugh and go to sit in the lounge room.

"Thank you Justin, and Bridget, who else have you told?" My mom looks sternly at me.

"No one, I swear. I just told Justin, I don't have any other friends." I gulp. Her gaze looking through my soul, without blinking. She sighs.

"Okay, good. I don't want the whole world to know." Mom looks at Justin, and asks,

"So, what do you plan on doing with my daughter, despite knowing your history?"

"Well, I already have strong feelings towards her, I plan on being with her for the rest of her life. My history is in the past, I'm not proud of what I've done, but I'm glad it happened because I learned from those mistakes."

"Well I hope you treat my daughter with respect."

"I will."

Hours later and Justin, mom and I are sitting around having a laugh, talking about when I was a baby. Embarrassing moments, cute moments and moments you wish didn't exist. Mom went to bed around nine. It's now half past ten.

"I need to go to the toilet," I say as I get up from the couch.

"Okay," Justin says as he stands up as well. We walk to the bathroom and he seductively pushes me up against the wall, one hand on my waist and the other hand against the wall next to my head.

"Justin," I say as he starts leaning forward.

"Hmm," he starts trailing kisses up and down my neck. I slowly push him away, and look up at him.

"Justin, we can't."

"Yes we can, I really, really like you, Bridget." He says, emphasising the word 'really'.

"I like you too Justin, but we just met."

"We've known each other for nearly four months now, I've fallen in love with you, all I wanna do it kiss you. Is that so much to ask for?" As he starts to lean away, seeming annoyed, I leaned up and pressed my lips against his, wrapping my arms around his neck. Butterflies jump around in my stomach as we kiss, making me feel safe and loved. We finally pull away and we're both breathing heavily.

"Wow," Justin gasps.

"That was amazing," I giggle, nodding my head in agreement.

"I wanna keep kissing you, forever."

"I know, but not know, it's too soon." He sighs.

"I can wait." I go to the toilet as planned and do my business. Washing my hands, I look into the mirror. My cheeks are flushed, eyes bright. My eyes are usually dull. He makes me happy, I've never felt so happy in my life. People will probably think it's just a faze because it's Justin Bieber, I'm only fangirling, but I'm not. I actually have feelings for him, I have feel it. The way butterflies come when ever I think of him or when we kiss, when I feel safe when he's around, I feel like I'm in love. But I can't tell if he's the one just yet.

I walk out the bathroom and back into the lounge room.

"You took awhile in there, did you fall in?" Justin asks.

"No, haha."

"Alright, where am I sleeping? I'm getting tired."

"Follow me," I go up stairs and show him the guest room, that's across from my moms room.

"Where's your room?"

"Down the hall, on the right. Why?"

"I wanna see it." I nod my head, and lead him to my room.

"This is it. My plain, boring bedroom." Justin walks inside and looks around, but stops in front of my full length mirror, checking himself out. I laugh out loud.


"Nothing," I say, laughing. He smiles at me before heading for my cupboard. I follow him, seeing what he's doing. I see him going through my underwear draw.

"Justin!" I say, my cheeks heating up, grabbing the lacy underwear from his hands, putting them back in the draw.

"What? Their sexy." He says, walking towards me slowly.

"Justin, go to your room." I giggle.

"No, mom. I won't, not until I've kissed you, one last time." He leans down and plants his soft lips upon mine. I wrap my arms around his neck as he grabs ahold of my waist, pushing me towards the bed. I pull away, panting.

"Bed, now." He groans, walking away with a bulge in his pants.

"Goodnight Justin," I giggle.

"Goodnight beautiful."

I close my door as he leaves to his own room, I pull off my dress and bra throwing them on the floor, leaving me in my lacy thong. I turn around facing the wall, throwing on an oversized shirt.

"Bridget, um" I turn around and see Justin leaning against the door frame with the door wide open.

"I didn't hear you come in," I say turning around to face him.

"Yeah, um, I was just," he stutters.

"It's only a thong Justin, what do you need?" I tease.

"You, um I need the bathroom?" I laugh out loud.

"Across the hall, next to the toilet. The towels are in the cupboard next to it."

"Okay, thank you."

"Goodnight Justin." I laugh as he closes the door, hearing a faint, "goodnight."

Meeting Justin Bieber {BOOK2; COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now