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~23rd March 2017 12:24pm~

As Justin and I walk through the door laughing at a joke he said, mom was sitting at the dining table, staring at the front door, which we just walked through.

"Where have you two been?" She asks standing up, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Out?" I look up at Justin for help. My mom is someone you do not mess with.

"It's my fault Amanda, I'm the one who suggested we eat takeout instead of using food you've recently bought. I'm truly sorry, I take all the blame." He says.

"Hmm, I'll let it slide this once. If it happens again, Justin is leaving."

"Yes mom," I walk off to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Are you going to eat? After we just had McDonald's?"

"Um, yeah?" I say as I look into the pantry for something to eat.

"Don't mind her, Justin. She pigs out every chance she gets. She doesn't stop eating." Mom says laughing. I roll my eyes, going to the fridge to pull out the chocolate cake mom bought a week ago.

"I wouldn't eat that, it's been their for god knows how long." Mom says. I shrug my shoulders and start digging into cake.

"Mmm," I moan, enjoying the taste of the chocolate cake as Justin gags. "What?" I say with a mouth full of cake.


"Your just jealous your getting none," I poke my tongue out at him. He chuckles and walks to the lounge room couch to watch tv with mom. After I finish eating the whole cake, I come up with a great idea.

"Mom, I'll be back. I need to go to the store, Justin come with," I smile evilly. Justin slowly stands up.

"Okay?" I just laugh and grab my moms car keys.

"I'll be back in an hour, love you mom."

*skip car drive*

When we arrive at the mall, we walk through the doors and Justin grabs ahold of my hand. I look up at him and he smiles.

"Justin, we can't hold hands in public. What if someone sees us?" I say anxiously.

"Don't worry, I want to show you off before I make you mine," I feel my cheeks heating up, knowing that I'm blushing. I take him to the discount store called, dollars and cents. I go into the dress up aisle and grab a fake moustache, fake beard and a wig.

"Why are you buying a wig and fake facial hair?"

"No reason," I couldn't hold it in anymore, I start laughing out loud uncontrollably. Justin walks away saying, "I don't know her." Once I've finished my laughing fit, I stand up and walk to the front counter with Justin trailing behind. I pay for the items and we head to the food court.

"Woman! You just ate a whole cake, we had McDonald's this morning. How are you still hungry?" Justin asks as his eyes widen as I stop in front of Hungry Jacks.

"Eh, i don't know. I'm always hungry." I say looking at the menu.

"Do you want anything?" I ask.

"No, I'm not hungry."

"Hm, suit yourself. Can I get four barbecue cheeseburgers, a large chocolate thick shake and an oreo storm." I say handing the lady a twenty dollar note.

"Is that all?" She says.

"Yep." She hands me my change and my receipt and we wait for my order.

"You ordered a lot." Justin says.

"Is that a problem? I'm paying for it, not you." I cross my arms, getting annoyed with him.

"No, I'm just saying."

"And I'm just saying. If you have a problem with me eating so much, you can go back to your own country." I walk up to the counter and grab my food and sit at the table.

"I don't have a problem with you eating so much. It's just not normal for someone to constantly eat so much."

"Do you wanna walk back to mine?" I say angrily, scoffing down the last cheeseburger.

"No, I don't know how to get back."

"Well shut up and deal with the fact I eat a lot. Just remember I've only recently gotten an abortion, I still have pregnancy hormones." I stand up from my seat, putting the rubbish in the bin. We walk outside and I pull out the wig and fake moustache and hand them to Justin. He raises his eyebrow.

"I want you to wear it until we get home."

"Why?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know, thought it'd might be funny?" He nods his head and puts them on. I bend over, uncontrollably laughing.

"OMG, you have to walk around looking like that!" I say, as I pull out my phone ready to take a photo.

"Hold on," he says. He pulls out his sun glasses and plops them on his nose and grabs ahold of my large chocolate thick shake . I take a picture and upload it to twitter.

"You look hilarious! I can't believe you let me do this to you!"

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"You look hilarious! I can't believe you let me do this to you!"

"I don't mind it, as long as your happy, I'm happy." I look at him in awe, thinking he's the cutest. Every moment I spend with him, I fall in love even more than I already was. He wants us to be together, and so do I, but the truth is, I'm just too scared. I'm scared of being hurt again, I'm scared that he might just use me, or he'll cheat on me, or something might happen. I'm just too scared to risk anything. I hope one day, we can be together without me having to worry about anything.

We walked around for a few minutes then went back to the car, as I remembered I told mom I'd be back in an hour and I'm pretty sure that hour is nearly up.

When we get back to mine, Justin takes off the wig and facial hair onto the dining table next to my wallet and moms car keys.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yell out.

Meeting Justin Bieber {BOOK2; COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now