Episode 4 - Gallows Hill

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The scorching heat of Fielding Steppes, Nasturtium was all but ignored as two man rode their horses through it.

"Oh, Kid Billy, ya have no idea how girls are do ya?"

"Is Aiman too hard for ya to say?" The one on the dark horse replied, annoyed.

"It's too borin'. And the next time a girl stares at ya longer than they should, ya ask 'em out on a date, not if there's somethin' on yer face." Hanif laughed.

"If I was that full of myself and ain't afraid to get decked, I'll go an' do that, thanks."

Suddenly, Hanif's light-coloured horse jumped. "Whoa, gal!"

"Aww, shoot. It's a rattlesnake!" Aiman shouted, pulling his horse away so as to not scare it.

When Hanif finally managed to calm the horse down, he noticed his handkerchief had dropped to the ground. He looked over to Aiman, who had noticed too.

"I ain't pickin' that up."

Hanif huffed, climbing down from the horse. "I have to do everythin' 'round here."

"That's a big fat lie." Aiman countered. "Besides, who carries 'round a hanky anymore?" He asked aloud and the handkerchief got blown away. He snorted.

"A gentleman!" Hanif shouted back, jogging towards it that had unfortunately, gotten stuck on a dry branch. As he was trying to reach for it, he glanced forward, at the hill and froze.

Aiman who was waiting grew impatient and got down from his horse. He pet the horse and went after Hanif. "Hanif! Did ya get yer ass stuck to a cactus again? Cuz I swear-"

"Ya better see this!" Hanif's voice rang out and Aiman quickened his pace. As soon as he reached him, his eyes grew wide. There, half-buried in the sand, are over a dozen bodies.

"What the hell?"


Harris tapped on his desk grumpily after a two-hour long conference meeting where the higher-ups had droned on about a failing system. They were more keen than ever on making sure the Cattailtroopers were doing their jobs less they humiliate the 'government agencies' again.

Radhi, sitting next to him, remained passive especially after being commemorated for stopping that gas leak a week ago. It wasn't that he didn't do an honourable thing, it's just that being praised by those fat cats made it feels less so.

"Hey," Radhi nudged him. "I'm pretty sure he's calling for you." He gestured towards Aizal's office.

Harris groaned. "What does he want? I'm pretty sure I've done everything I was supposed to."

Radhi shrugged with a grin.


"Sir?" Harris asked as he opened the door and brightened up once he saw who was in it. "Khai? Hey! I haven't seen you in a while!" He greeted, shaking the taller man's hand excitedly.

"Well I did just get back." Khairul laughed, moving in for a hug. That was when Aizal cleared his throat.

"While I'd love for you two to get reacquainted, I also would love to get this over with." He beckoned them to take the case files on his desk. "A few days ago, a report came in at Fielding Steppes. Two civilians found over 14 bodies at Gallows hill."

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