Online Love - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

(Selena's POV)
I was in the living room talking to Justin:

J: god, you're so cute.

S: well thanks Jay! :)

J: you're very welcome hun. ;)

S: so, wrud.?

J: talking to the best, Wby?

S: talking to the worst.

J: not cool Selly. Not cool. :(

S: naw, I was just kidding. I think you're an amazing guy! :) and attractive, and sweet, and a lot of other great things!

J: you just suckin up babe. ;)

S: lol, nope.

J: well, aren't you sweet? Haha.

S: lol, yes. Holy shit. What time is it there?

J: like 6:32pm, why? Is it late Sel?

S: just a little...

J: what time is it? Are you tired babe?

S: it's 3:46am. But I don't wanna go Jay. :(

J: go to sleep princess.

S: but, what about you? :/

J: I have my friend Harry, I'll annoy him until I feel like it's be an appropriate time for us to talk. :) night beautiful. Xxx

S: ha, okay. :) night Justin. Xxx

I logged off and laid in my bed. I closed my eyes and dreamed of meeting Justin one day, and what it would be like. It was amazing in my dream. He was as sweet in life as he was online, and I loved it. Even if it was a dream, he was the sweetest guy I'd ever known.


I woke up and stretched my arms out. I yawned and got up. I went downstairs and made some breakfast. I threw some bacon on the pan and cooked it. I started making pancakes as I heard my computer make a noise. I smiled to myself, thinking it was Justin. I ran over to my laptop and opened the screen. But to my surprise it was a Facebook message from Ryan. I groaned and read the message.
Hey lil sis. :) I went to pick up Demi for a date. I'll be home at 6:00. Until then, have fun with your online lover. ;D
I groaned and pulled up the dating site again. I messaged Justin and waited for a reply. (Convo below)

S: Hey Justin. :)

J: Oh, Sel, it's like 3:30am here hun. I was just going to sleep.

S: Oh, sorry. Sleep tight. :)

J: Wait, uhm... I have a question..

S: Really? Okay, go ahead.

J: So... I know it's only been a couple days but.. Can I get your number? I'm dying to hear what your laugh sounds like, and your sneezes, and your voice. It's a necessity really.

S: Naww, of course! :)

J: Phew, thanks Sel.

S: No problem Jay. Here: 304-335-0051 :)

(That's not a real number. So don't even try. Lol.)

J: Okay. I'll give you mine, just I case you wanna call me. ;)

S: Okay.

J: Here: 304-455-6457.

(I'm not even sure if that's a number but I just put random numbers down.)

S: Okay. :) How about a quick little call? Just so neither of us have to wait to hear each other.

J: Sure. ;*

(end if that)

(Justin's POV)
I sighed nervously and dialed her number. I'm waited for the answer and heard a cute little voice. "Hello?" A girl answered. "Selena?" I asked. "Justin?" She asked. I chuckled and answered yes. "Wow, well... Good night, I guess." She said with a small sigh. "Aye, Call you in 4 hours, okay princess?" I asked. But Harry HAD to walk in. "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO? It's 4:00 in the damn morning! Go to sleep and tell your lover bye." He said in a sleepy voice. "So, I guess this means goodbye?" She giggled. I smiled to myself. She had an adorable little giggle. "Okay beautiful, I'll talk to you later." I said hung up and closed my laptop. I sighed dreamingly and fell asleep.


There ya go. 👌

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