A Hero's Fate - Beginning

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"Minato, why would you send your son to the orphanage?! He may have the Kyuubi no Yoko's soul and tad bit portion of his chakra, but he's far different from the beast itself!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the retired Third Hokage, was currently in a heated argument to his successor, Minato Namikaze. The center of the conflict was none other than the Kyuubi's jinchūriki, Naruto Namikaze.

Things in Konoha has drastically changed after the Nine-Tailed Fox's attack, or more specifically, the masked man's, but only a certain few know about the fact. It had been on Kushina's pregnancy to the pair of twins; Naruto and Kato Namikaze. Having your bijū sucked out of you wasn't the best event that could've happened to Kushina, who had fallen into a short coma afterwards. Fortunately enough, Tsunade had caught wind of her situation and literally marched into Konoha to help her. The renowned Senju medic got the redhead Uzumaki stabilized and woke her up.

Things got a little rocky between Naruto and his parents. Not like they would admit it, but they had somehow used him as a scapegoat. Minato, driven by slight hatred and anger for the fox, decided to disown the blond and leave him in the orphanage. Hiruzen knew that his successor, blinded by hatred for the fox as he had almost lost his wife and children, would see his son as a demon and not as his own.

"How dare you Hiruzen! You don't know how I felt when I almost lost Kushina and Kato! The fox is inside him! I can't keep him inside the Namikaze Compound; he might go berserk and kill everyone! I can't lose anyone anymore!" Minato retorted with an equally angry tone as the Sandaime. "I know he's not the fox, but every time I look at him, I remember how I almost lost my wife and son!"

"So you're willing to ruin your son's life because you can't bear it?! I lost my wife, Biwako, during the attack! I don't want to say this, Minato, but you're going too far this time! He's going to receive the hatred of all the villagers. He's going to be scorned, mocked, and loathed! Only Kami knows how can he survive with all of that!" Hiruzen retorted. All the ruckus was catching the attention of the nearby ANBU, along with Kushina and her son—Kato—Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade.

"I'll give him an apartment when he turns seven. I'll send him monthly allowances. I'll place him on a squad with Kakashi should he graduate from the Academy. Hiruzen, I can't bear to feel it again!"

"Fine," Hiruzen snapped. "But mark my words, Minato. When the time comes, he'll surely hate and loathe you. Don't make an enemy out of a jinchūriki," he warned, the blond Hokage, right before slamming the door shut.

"I'm sorry, Naruto. . ." Minato whispered with his head bowed down.


"Really? Your sister did—oh look, here comes the demon," two women, in the midst of a casual conversation, stopped abruptly and stared pointedly at a four-year-old child with cold, hateful eyes. The said golden-haired boy walked with his head held down, neither meeting their eyes nor their hate-filled glares.

People kept their eyes trained on the child as he passed, a few braver villagers throwing rocks or rotten fruits and vegetables at him. To their surprise, each was deflected by an ANBU with a snake mask.

To say that Anko Mitarashi, the apprentice of the Snake Sannin, was angry was an understatement; she was boiling in anger. First, her sensei was accused of experimenting on people, only to be found innocent, and now, her younger brother-like figure was thrown with rocks and rotten items again as he walked along the streets of Konoha. She couldn't fathom how the blond stayed sane and have his humanity intact after being beaten, insulted, mocked, and scorned everyday.

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