A Hero's Fate - The Child of the Prophecy

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"Well, you sure do train early,"

Naruto didn't need to turn around for him to know who the speaker was. That voice, that lazy, somehow drawling tone, and the length of the shadow was all too familiar to him. However, the chakra signal and smell was different; it was pretty simple, a Henge, but who would imitate Kakashi, just to see him? 

"Hm. They say that the early bird catches the worm. Anyways, why are you up so early, Kashi-nii?" the blond asked, shifting slightly in his meditating position.

"Or more importantly, what happened to this training ground? One moment it was sparkling, clean, and it doesn't have a thirty-five feet crater in the middle, and the next moment it has a thirty-five feet crater, chunks of earth spread around, debris littering or rather, adorning the field, burnt trees, and small fires burning everything," Kakashi gave him a smile with closed eyes—or eye, whatever.

"Um, I was practicing a jutsu and—"

"Let me guess, Katon: Kaen Funka (Fire Release: Blaze Eruption)?" Naruto immediately knew that the person was definitely not Kakashi. The silver-haired nin didn't even know that technique.

"Not even close," Naruto replied. "Katon: Shinhidora no Jutsu (Fire Release: True Hydra Technique),"

Kakashi made a great imitation of a fish out of water, with his mouth opening and closing and his eyes as big as dinner plates. "B-But—" he stuttered, clearly unable to form a coherent word. "T-That's a-an S-Rank T-Technique,"

"It is," Naruto agreed, inwardly laughing at the sight of his older brother, not that he was the real one, anyways. "So, back to business," his cerulean blue eyes got a shade darker. "Why are you here?"

"What do you mean? Is it bad for me to check up on my surrogate little brother?" the silver-haired ninja asked confusedly, acting as innocent as possible.

"Did Danzo-san sent you?" asked Naruto.

"I-I. . . What do you mean, Na—" 'Kakashi' toppled down like a sack of rice, his henge disappearing in a cloud of white smoke. It revealed an ANBU with a ROOT mask, and the traditional ANBU outfit.

Stupid Danzo. . .sending a spy to monitor my progress. . . I wonder if he knew my Ice Release, my skills, my heritage, and my secrets, Naruto mused in thought, still staring at the unconscious Root ANBU on the ground. Still. . .poking your nose where it doesn't belong is never a good thing, I can guarantee you that, you old war hawk, he silently warned Danzo as he looked up at the sky, specifically where a bird was present. P

-With Anko-

The purple-haired kunoichi yawned as sunlight streaked to her bedroom. Groggily opening her eyes, she somehow went to the bathroom, surprisingly without tripping on the carpet and numerous objects on the floor. She did her morning routine and went to her younger brother's room. To her surprise, he wasn't there, so she hastily glanced around the rooms, only to find a note on the kitchen table.


I woke up at 4:00 a.m.. Isn't that great? My brain obviously doesn't want me to sleep. Anyways, I went out to train, don't even bother looking for me. I'll be in the 'Forest of Death', as you dubbed it, at noon.

P.S. There's dango in two storage scrolls that I left on top of the table.

P.P.S. Please don't hate me. 

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