A Hero's Fate - Gone

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Anko-nee was really scary last night,' Naruto thought, shuddering slightly. 'Coupled with Shiya-nee too,'

'I'd like to say that you're around high ANBU with my help, but a solid ANBU at worst cases. You've progressed much quickly in using your sand, the 'Perfect Defense' as it was called. We'll continue with that and start off with flexibility and taijutsu later,' the Jūbi ignored his remark and elaborated the results of his training.

'Okay, sensei. . .'

'Now, have fun!' Kurama chirped happily.

'. . .'

'. . .why do I have a feeling that you're up to something, nii-san?'

'Ugh, just get your ass up for training already, brat!'

'I was just kidding!'


"Doton: Yomi Numa (Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld)!"

"Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique)!"

"Fuuton: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)!"

"Hyoton: Haryu Moko (Ice Release: Piercing Dragon Fierce Tiger)!"

Four clones yelled from one side of the training grounds. A blizzard was literally originated from the mud swamp, courtesy of his first jutsu. Naruto idly wondered if he could turn the season into winter in Konoha. It'd be nice to have a break from the heat every time he trained.

"Katon: Karyu Endan (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet)!"

"Fuuton: Renkūdan (Widn Release: Drilling Wind Bullet)!"

"Raiton: Jibashi (Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder)!"

"Lava Release: Gunshot!"

A tornado of fire was formed, making the blond sweat slightly. More reasons to try and turn Konoha's season into winter, he thought, jumping back from the source of the blazing heat.

"Time to meditate!"


-Lunch; Two Hours Later-

"What're you doing?" Anko wondered as she finally found the brat she had been looking for. . .for about two hours. Damn, Naruto's skill in hiding was quite impressive.

"I'm trying to find a way to turn the season here into winter," he deadpanned, earning a sweatdrop from her older sister.

"Really?" she asked, an incredulous look adorning her face. "And why do you want to do that?"

"It's searing hot, nee-chan," the blond pouted. "I want to experience the cold for even once,"

"'Kay. . .and—oh, shit!" she cursed, then suddenly placed her hands on her mouth. Did I just—oh, I'm as good as fucked, she grumbled to herself as Naruto tilted his head slightly to the right.

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