A Hero's Fate - The Eyes of a Sage

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"Get the blasted Fourth's son!" an Iwa ANBU ordered, to which three other ANBU followed his command, turning to grab Naruto, who disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Flaring their chakra to detect where the boy was, they turned towards the direction and rushed at blinding speed.

They caught up to him eventually, blocking all of the escape routes. Naruto cursed inwardly, glaring at all the ANBU in front of him. He took out his twin swords and adjusted them within his hands, intent on escaping out alive.

One ANBU rushed at him with a kunai in his hand, engaging him in a brutal display of taijutsu. Naruto countered him with his own style, but it was hard to fight while dodging a lot of attacks given to him by the other ANBU. His eyes slightly widened as his opponents finished handsigns. 

"Doton: Doryuudan (Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet)!" three ANBU yelled in unison, launching chunks of the earth at him. Given no time to dodge, he chose to soften the attack and placed his swords in an 'X' position, hoping that it wouldn't give him too many injuries. Suddenly, the attacks seemed to be slower and he found himself saying two words—a technique that he hadn't heard of.

"Shinra Tensei,"

The ANBU were thrown backwards by a massive, powerful force, hitting most of the trees and the solid ground. Most of them were unconscious, while others were dead at the attack. Naruto blinked at his actions, but quickly stifled a scream as his eyes started to sting. Blood adorned his hand as he covered his eyes, temporarily blind to his surroundings.

"—ruto! Naruto!" a feminine voice yelled, filled with worry and concern. The familiar warmth of a pair of hands,

A-Anko-nee. . . he thought as he succumbed to the darkness.

-With Kato and Kushina-

"YOU BASTARDS! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" screamed an overly furious Kato. Red-orange chakra swirled all around him, his whisker marks darkening, and his canines sharpening until they looked like a fox's.

"The Kyuubi jinchūriki?!" an Iwa nin asked in disbelief. "Shit! We've gotta get out of here—"

A wave of violent chakra sliced through his body and he fell to the ground, beheaded. The others watched the pissed off boy growl at them before going in for the kill.

"Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Style: Earth Wall)!" a few yelled, but the hardened soil did nothing to spare their lives as the Hokage's son clawed right through their stomachs and heart. Some had already pissed and shitted themselves in fear, knowing that fighting a pissed off jinchūriki wasn't a good thing at all, unless you're suicidal.

"Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball)!" A large, gray chakra ball compressed in the 'Kyuubified' Kato's mouth until it was sent towards the enemy shinobi's direction. The pressure coming from the chakra caused the ground to rip apart, the grass and trees uprooting themselves from the ground.

It was a clear message to the Iwa shinobi; all of their deaths were inevitable.


-Three Days Later; Hospital-

Sunlight streamed through the windows as he groggily woke up. He stretched slightly, attempting to decrease the strain and soreness of his muscles. His throat ached for water, but he settled on taking a bath for the moment. Geez, he had this slight, bad smell that would probably send anyone away from him. . .

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