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Nickolace point of view:

We were driving back home. But she was quiet, like she never talks.

I was being restless now, "Raizie?" Wow, I like her name. It sounds so fucking nice in my voice!

She looked at me, amused to hear her name in my voice, may be! But soon her amusement swapped places with previous sadness. "Yes? Anything to ask?"

Jeez! This girl is something. Do I only talk to her being mean?

Come to think of it, I always acted mean. Because she is human. But, why this is making me guilty all of a sudden?

Okay, calm down Nick, "Why are you so upset?"

"I am not upset!" She tried to hide it. But I know she is.

"You are. Don't hide it. Tell me what it is."

She hesitated, "I don't know, but I don't feel like myself any more."

I was curious, "Why?" I tried to joke in this moment, "Fallen for me?"

She got angry, "Who do you think you are? Some kind of God or something? Why would I even fall for a person like you? I am loosing every thing I had, or the only thing I had because of you, in the first place!"

Because of me? But what did I do? Did she love somebody?

To think her with another man, was making my blood boil under my flesh. She can't love someone else, she is mine. It breaks my heart to think about her like this.

Yes, I am taking her normal life from her and even I may one day take her life as well.

I am feeling worse now, I am hurt. Because I am the only reason, she is going back to my house. Living her friends might be very hard for her.

I tried to console her, "You know, you can always meet your friends and I won't ever interfere in your personal issues but you can tell me anything." I pleaded.

"Nick, do you know, why do I live in this apartment leaving my patents?"

"You are mad at them?"

"No, I love them. They are the best parents in the world."

"Then, why?"

"Because, I wanted freedom. I wanted to live by myself. I don't want to be a burden to anybody, I wanted to be independent. I never wanted anyone to take some decision of my life. My life is my decision. It is the only thing I ever wanted, freedom. And..." she could not utter anything more.

Yes, I was taking her freedom away. I never wanted to do that though, I don't want to take her dreams away from her. She was an independent woman as far as I heard.

Now, she has to give everything up, for being with me!

I could only give some words now, nothing more. I need her to know, "Raizie, I know you like to be like an independent bird and I am the reason you are caged in. But, trust me! I won't have ever taken your freedom away from you. It is bad for me too. You know that, but I want you to also know that I would never let anyone interfere in your freedom anymore. I will try my best to help you out of it and you can get your life, of course without me!"

She stared at me, till I pulled the car inside the gates.

She spoke with a smile and tears rolling out her beautiful eyes, "Thank you, Nick. I really think you are a nice person from heart."

I just smiled like a fool, "You are welcome. Friends?"

She took my extended hand and said, "You are my first friend in this city!"

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