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Vampire Raizie's Point of view:

Now, I am standing right beside my pure blood royal mate. Currently, we are in a wedding of his friend keeping the request of aunt Frousa. He seems a lot distant and I really can't find anything in his mind except thunder clouds.

The couple happened to be turned vampires and the bride was supposedly a friend of human Raizie. Her name was Elanda and the groom's name was Benvolio. He recently found his mate and is marrying her.

It has been four days, since we had that fight and I even said sorry, as mom asked me to say!


"I do apologize for my rough behaviour towards you. I'm sorry."

He said in a cold and sad tone, "It's okay. No need to."

Then he just went out of my sight! He never thinks any thing about me and it broke me along my pride. I said sorry to that dog of a vampire and he ignores me!

~[Flashback ends]~

Now, he never thinks any thing when around me and gives me a silent treatment.

Why does he have to hate me so much? Why would he have feeling for a human when I am the one he should get along with?

I stood beside him, staring at the couple infront of me. As much as I heard about them, they were of same nature. They were perfectly similar and made for each other. I could hear almost every girl's mind as they thought aweful things and it did nothing to calm my mind. They were thinking to get into the pants of the handsome vampire, I came with. Elder ones co-oed at the couple and for us.

The males were no less pervert than Nickolace. No matter what age they are, they would think gross things about the girls.

I do wonder, what Nickolace would do if he hears their fantacies about me! He would probably kill everyone, as he is my mate!


Would he really do that?

He didn't have any feelings towards me and most of all he has been avoiding me. Does he really think, I am not worth his love? Is he not attached with me?

Does he love her? The human I have been turned into? Does he feel nothing for me?

Why do I care about it? And why do I feel insecurities like these? I am worth any thing, ain't I?

A sudden image from his mind hit me, when I heard everyone clap for the newly wedded couple. It did all the worst things in my heart and it goes like this...

He was standing on the end of the isle and a girl wearing a wedding gown appeared infront of him. She had veil covering her eyes. When she reached him, took the vows and he uncurtained the veil and looked at those black beautiful eyes, she blushed harder. He cupped her face and kissed her with every passion he had in him. She kissed back and my heart felt a huge pain and a shattered sound could be heard inside it.

Yes, he was my mate and no body gave him any right to kiss another girl even who looks like me. He was designed for me and he belonged to me. He can't love anyone else. I am the real girl here, she was nothing but a replacement and now she is long gone.

It is true that, I would have done the second thing killing her, after breathing in this world.

My heart felt betrayed and cheated. I thought he was mine while he didn't even want me to be his.

Yes, I love him. I love him a lot. He is made for me to love and he should love me back!

I ran out as no one paid any heed whlie they were grinding against their loved ones.

Tears flew down my proud eyes and I felt drenched in rain water. Looks like, the nature had a similar feeling like mine. Nature was the only one who cried with me in a time like this!

Nickolace's point of view:

I saw tears in her eyes when she left! Was she crying? But why? She was not even interested in me let alone a marriage with me. So, why was she sad watching a wedding?

She made me confused about everything! Now, I needed to find her and ask her what she is upto.

I did accept her apology that time, but it didn't feel real and I thought she was forced to do so.

It really hurts me, to see my mate sad. But my mate tried to kill me! So pathetic for a vampire!

I decided to follow her. How worst can it be?

I did have thoughts that she will kill people or make a hell like destruction right now. I also imagined that she will be furious right now.

But, I was shocked when I found her sobbing and crying like a kid while sitting on the road side bench. No one was around and I felt my blood boiled while waching her crying like this.

I felt an urge to console her and rushed to sit beside her. She looked at me once and began to cry more.

Was I the reason, she was crying like this? Did I do anything wrong? What can it be?

Then realisation hit me, I was thinking about the dream I saw yesterday. There I was marrying her, actually the human her!

Then I saw tear filled eyes satring at me, with a hurt expression. She whispered, "Why would you think about that right now?"

I shook my head and grabbed her in my arms. She spoke softly, lying in my chest, "What is there in a mere human, and not in me? Why would you choose her instead of me, Nick? Aren't we the real mates?"

I sighed and kissed her cheek. She was cold and it felt more bad to know that I was the real reason for her depression.

I spoke, "Raizie, it is not about that, I like you as my mate but I felt the same bond when you were human! Isn't that impossible to feel for both even if one is cursed? I do feel the bond between us and I can't stop those thoughts from coming in my mind when you are around. You both are the same to me!"

She cried more, truth is painful! She spoke again, "I am really s-sorry for that time, Nick. I really didn't mean to do that. If it was possible I would have taken those words back. It hurts to hurt you!"

A general smile appeared in my mouth, "I feel that way too. Is it okay to be friends right now?"

She nodded and lightly punched my chest, "Please, don't ever dare to think about anyone other than me!"

I chuckled before nodding. Only she could make a request while giving a threat! She blushed and cuddled into my arms as the cold rain fell on our connected body.

I didn't want to move, but I needed to take us home. So I picked her in my arms, bridal style and settled her in the passenger seat. She didn't object and it made my heart warm when she pulled my face to connect our lips.

I gasped when I felt the familiar sparks. All of a sudden all the passion in my heart flooded in the kiss. I kissed her passionately. She smiled in the kiss and I felt fire burning in my bones.

But, a question remained in my mind.

What happened to the human Raizie, won't I ever be able to see her again?

VAMPIRE CURSE, CURED BY LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now