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Raizie's point of view:

I woke up in a dark room and this time I could feel myself on a hard material. I was lying on the floor, maybe. I could feel someone's presence, "Elina? Is that you?"

I heard another female voice rather than her's, "No, who are you?"

The voice sounded just like mine, but it was a bit harder and elegant. The voice spoke again, "Is it you?"

I opened my mouth realizing, "It is you..."

Then, we gasped and both said at the same time, "Raizie!"

Then the room was filled with white clouds and I could see her red eyes staring at me.

I was staring at my replica or a clone!

She looked at me for a moment and walked towards me, is she going to kill me?

Then she spoke in a surprised tone, "Did you feel that?"

I shook my head, I did not feel anything!

She pointed to my heart and then, I heard the sound of our heart beats.

Our heart beat was rythmic, it was like...

While mine beats half, hers beat the other half.

Sound came from mine, 'lub'.

Then, came from hers, 'dub'

Like they together became, 'lub dub' 'lub dub' 'lub dub'...

She was staring and seemed glad when I felt that.

I spoke, after breaking our long time silence, "I envied you! You are everything I am not."

She chuckled and mockingly said, "Trust me, I feel the same!"

I grinned, "Don't you think, we would together be a great thing?"

She said disgusted, "Of course not! You are a pathetic human and if you came here yesterday, I would have killed you the very first time I saw you."

I gulped, "What changed in this one day?"

She spoke, "I did!"

I chuckled, "You are nice and he loves you a lot!"

She frowned, "Nope! He loves you more."

Then it hit me, "So, he loves us both?"

She nodded and said, "I still envy you! I am jealous of you. You took everything from my life and still I feel no regrets keeping you alive."

I shook my head, "I don't know why, but I don't hate you either!"

Her expression changed, I don't know that expression. But it was heart warming!

"I think, it wouldn't bother us being friends!" She smiled like a child and said giving her hand infront to me, "So, lets introduce ourselves, I am Legendary Special Class Vampire Raizie Evans."

I took her hand saying, "I am human Raizie Evans. And my name is not that difficult to say."

We laughed together and our connected hands started to vibrate. Electricity was passing through our body and our heart beats went fast. My head was aching and I could feel hers too. Something was hapenning to us and we were like being attached. Our souls were suffering and they were trying to meld together.

I could hear her faintly voice, "Even I wish, I could be you from my birth..."

I could feel a short ache in my neck and thus, I couldn't see her any more. Then some memories started playing in my head and I felt the memories combining. It was like shuffling cards!

VAMPIRE CURSE, CURED BY LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now