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Nick's point of view:

We reached the door and entered a dark room. She disappeared and I was left alone in that dark room.

Is it her trap! Was she planning to trap me here and kill my mate!

I shouted, "Where the hell are you Elina? Come here and..."

She cut me off, "I am here, but you can't see me now. I am releasing her now."

I frowned, "I can't see anything in here!"

"Patience my dear, patience!"

Then a wide and large sreen appeared infront of me and the place shown was lighted. My love was lying on the floor, grabbing her chest. My love was in pain! But, where is she?

Then a light appeared infront of her lying body and said,

"Wake up my dear,

the pain is now over."

Her eyes fluttered open and she was hugging herself tightly. She sat up staight, instantly. She spoke, "Where am I? What am I doing here?"

Elina laughed,

"You are now, here to choose,

tell me what you want to loose!"

She touched her fore head and said remembering something, "Oh! Yes, Elina right? What you want me to choose from?"

Elina said, "You would be shown some things you cared,

Spells go around and show the moments, she shared."

Then her eyes went closed and she saw something making her happy and afraid sometimes.

Soon, her eyes went open and Elina added, "Today you have to choose any one of the two scales-

One scale contains, all your powers and freedom.

Other contains, your love and affection."

Raizie was shocked, she did not utter a single word! She had me on one end and all belongings on the other.

Can I expect her to choose me? Why would she choose me any way! She always wanted power and freedom. But, which raizie is she anyway? Was she the vampire one or the human one?

She spoke, "If I choose one, then I could never attain the other?"

"I'm afraid, no. You would be turned into a human or a powerless being if you choose love. Again if you choose power, you would be the legend."

She nodded quietly and looked into her hands, she does that when she is nervous!

Elina said, "Please dear,  don't fear.
You choose, one of what you see in my hands,
once you touch, it would be the one which stands."

Elina raised her hands and two crystal ball apeared at her hand. The left side showed a creepy raizie, with powers and destroying her surroundings, her victory against everybody. The ball was cold and looked like a snow ball. The right side contained a yellow ball and it was radiating heat. There were some pictures of people whom I could not see clearly. Then there was me, holding her hand and running after her in suit. She was wearing a wedding gown and a veil covered her eyes.

Tears filled my eyes and I badly wanted her to choose that. But, a part of me wanted her to take her powers and freedom. Because, I never want my love to sacrifice anything for me.

She walked towards Elina and Elina was holding her hands up, to take one. She reached sooner and took the ball on the right hand, "I don't want anything else, I just want him. I don't need to be a powerful vampire, I don't want to consume him, am satisfied as long as he is with me, I wanted to bear his child, but I would not back out thinking about this imposibility."

VAMPIRE CURSE, CURED BY LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now