20: Home Invasion

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She staggered into her house, slamming the door shut behind her and locking it. She darted towards the stairs leading to the basement, her hand pressed against her side. The deputy's fire was accurate, hitting her both times. She could feel the bullets in her body, pain going through her with each step. She'd used her magic to escape from the police, confident that she was not followed. She removed her hand and looked down, the wound bleeding freely. The bullets needed to be removed in order for her to heal. She threw open the door leading down to the basement, nearly falling down the stairs. She managed to make it down them without falling. She grabbed her spellbook and found what she was looking for. She quickly made a healing salve before pulling her shirt over her head, leaving herself standing in the room in her bra and jeans. She applied the salve to the wounds on her side and back with a hiss. Then she began to chant the spell. The pain as the bullets worked their way out sent her to her knees. She gave a cry. She heard the sound of a bullet hitting the floor, followed by the second one a few seconds later. She felt the skin and tissue mending itself. In a matter of minutes, her skin was whole with no sign of her having been shot. The only evidence being the ruined shirt and the blood on her hand.

"I need a new tactic," she said to herself as she stood. She went across the room to a desk and opened the folder, a photo of a young man with blue eyes staring up at her. "I need to draw them away from that pack." She tapped her lips. "But how to draw...," she trailed off, a smirk appearing on her face. She had the perfect place to draw Isabel and Peter to. Along with the bait to use to draw them there.


"How the hell did she get past us?" Stilinski asked. "How did she get past Peter, Derek, and Isabel?"

"I don't know," Parrish said.

"Did you at least kill her?" Peter asked.

Derek was currently outside with Lindsey and Isabel. The teenager hadn't stopped screaming with grief and the two were trying to comfort her. Derek was angry enough to kill over the fact that the witch had tried to kill Isabel.

"I shot her twice."

"Doesn't mean you killed her."

"I know, but I'm pretty sure I hit some vital organs."

"We don't know that for sure," Stilinski said. "Peter's right, just because you shot her twice doesn't mean you killed her."

Parrish looked at Peter. "Do you think you could track her?"

"Maybe, but I don't want to put the pack into danger like that. Not if she can subdue a powerful Valkyrie like she did."

Parrish sighed, not wanting to admit that he was right again. She was much too dangerous for the pack to handle.

"How's your guy?" Peter asked.

"He'll live." Stilinski's eyebrows knit together. "Which is unusual. She's killed everyone else that stood in her way. Why didn't she kill him?"


Devin answered the phone, seeing that Isabel was calling.

She went after Sean. she said before he even took a breath for the greeting.

"What do you mean?" He knew that the Chasseurs had been attacked with Sean being the only survivor.

She was at the hospital. She got past us and was using whatever dark magic she has at her disposal to try to kill him. She tried to kill me when I tried to stop him.

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