34: Home

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It had been several weeks since Kenton's death. Devin had been considering leaving Beacon Hills now that Isabel was no longer in danger. Until both Scott and Isabel asked him to stay. He was currently sitting on the couch, an offer from Chris to join him in his business sitting on the coffee table. Devin looked up at the knock on his door, not expecting anyone at this hour. Devin was genuinely surprised to see Lilith at his door. "What are you doing here? I thought you were still in the hospital?"

"May I come in?"

Devin stepped aside, still amazed that she was walking around.

Lilith came inside and Devin shut the door. "I thought about what you said, Devin."

"Uh, what did I say?"

Lilith smiled. "The night Isabel and Derek killed Kenton. About not giving up because I couldn't see the light."


"You were right."

"I was?"

"About not giving up. As I lay in the hospital, the words you, Derek, and Isabel said that night kept playing over in my head. And you were right. I wanted to die because I didn't think what I did was forgivable. I still don't." Devin opened his mouth to protest and Lilith held her hand up. "Let me finish, Devin." Devin closed his mouth. "But I realized that if you could be reverted back to a Pure Valkyrie when everyone thought that was impossible, then maybe there was a chance I could redeem myself for all the wrong I did. For all the evil I used my magic for. So I healed myself and left the hospital. But I wanted to see you one last time before I left town."

"You're leaving?"

"I have no place here. I can't be a part of the pack. And I can't look at Sean and Lindsey in the eye, knowing I nearly killed him in my lust for power. I really don't have any reason to stay. But I came to say thank you."

"For what?"

"For making me see the truth." Lilith kissed Devin on the cheek. "Goodbye, Devin." She turned and walked out his door.

"Goodbye, Lilith."


"Noah?" Melissa wasn't exactly surprised to see Stilinski at her door. "Please tell me Scott isn't in trouble again."

Stilinski laughed. "Not this time." He held up a couple of plastic bags. "But I thought I'd make up for having to cancel our last date."

"Are you going to mess up my kitchen?"

"Well we could mess up mine, but Stiles is home and he'd probably crash our dinner."

Melissa laughed. "You might be right about that." She invited him inside.

"Does pasta sound good?"

"It sounds great." Melissa shut the door behind them with a smile.


Lindsey sat on the front steps, watching the truck drive away with what she and Sean had donated of their parents'. Sean walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"So I guess this is where we move again, chasing some priceless artifact?" she asked.

"I'm done with that life, Lindsey. I should have been done with it a long time ago." Sean sighed. "I tried to protect you from what we did. I didn't want that life for you. I didn't even want that life." He put his arm around his sister and pulled her into a one-armed hug. "Maybe if I had stood up to them, you wouldn't have had to be dragged around so much. And maybe I would have been able to see Laura one last time before she died."

Lindsey looked up, wide-eyed. "You know?"

"I know. I've known since it happened. And you're going to think I'm crazy but I saw her when I was in a coma."

"I'm friends with a bunch of shapeshifters and a Banshee and you think seeing your ex-girlfriend while in a coma is crazy?"

"Okay, you win." Lindsey giggled, before sighing. "What?"

"It's just this is the first time I've been able to fit in anywhere and now we're leaving."

Sean looked down at his sister. "Lindsey, we're only moving across town, not out of state. We're not going anywhere."

Lindsey's face brightened. "Really?"

"This is our home now. And we're not leaving."


Derek pulled up to his building, the headlights illuminating several men standing in front of it. "What the hell?" he asked out loud.

"Is that who I think it is?" Isabel asked.

"Severo Calavera. But what are they doing here?"

"Let's go ask." Isabel opened the door.


Isabel walked right up to Severo, Derek right behind her. "You know this is private property."

"I really don't care."

"What do you want?" Derek asked.

"We've tracked La Loba back to Beacon Hills. Where is she?"

"Does it look like we know?" Isabel shot back.

"Why would she come back to Beacon Hills?" Derek asked.

"You tell me, Lobito."

Derek rolled his eyes at the name Araya had given him. "If I knew, I wouldn't be asking."

"Look, Calavera," Isabel said, annoyance in her voice. "We haven't seen her. And she knows better than to come sniffing around here anyway. We're not her allies."

"Are you not?" Severo asked, implying that the two were lying about it.

"I think you know the answer to that, Hunter."

Derek suddenly froze, a puzzled look on his face. Severo brought his shotgun up, eyeing the werewolf.

Isabel turned to see why the Hunter was so intent on her boyfriend. "Derek?"

"There's something else here," he said. "I've caught a scent I'm not familiar with."

"What kind of scent?"

"Like death."

A moment later, the first shot went off and Isabel went down.


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