Better To Keep Secret

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Samantha's POV

I was not understanding why Professor Morgan was just after my dad's theory. Suddenly, he just attacked me by questions about this.

I was shocked. I tried to reach out of his grip. But he was fast enough to grab my wrist fast. He was strong and I couldn't get out of his grip though I was struggling.

He almost made me spill everything out, but suddenly Professor Prima Everdeen came and saw this situation and argues between 2 of us.

Maybe she just said those without any thinking. But I was grateful that she came in time and saved from Professor's wrath. He is not a good person to deal with while in rage. But I only saw him a few times get angry. Besides, he always stays calm.

Well, all that time he got angry at me was completely my fault. I made him got in rage but he never acted like this. Last year I broke all the AC-34 code to find out the information of Alfusion formula but I terribly failed, I opened wrong chamber and it causing him arrange them all again. It took 2 months for him to change and recover and rearranged, which he made with hard work in his student life but I took only 5 minutes to break it totally.

That day he was too angry, but never did that what he did today. But in vain, my secrets will die with me. I will never let anyone know who actually I am. I just want to destroy this ruling of Artificial Intelligence who can't feel the true feelings.

It took away not only my parents but also a lot of parents from a lot of kids. I saw in the orphanage how they are passing their days. I myself am a victim of this cruel world and lustful, hungry and ferocious gaze of people. Girls use to suicide or runaway from the orphanage and who are not courage enough they just flows with the situation and makes their life more miserable.

Those days was nightmare for me too. But I ran away. Changing name, identity and everything. I was successful.

" Are you mad, girl?" Prima Everdeen shouted at me.

" Samantha. " I said.

" Sorry?" She said.

" It's Samantha Lawrence. " I said.

" Whatever your name is, I don't care. In future don't mess up with Andrew. Don't you know he can't control his anger? " she said as if I am the most hateful creature in this universe.

" Sorry, Professor Everdeen. " I said.

" Now, get out, you idiot. You have wasted a lot of time of mine. Now leave." She said bitterly.

I came out of her room. What a lady!!! I smiled my own. She is unpredictable human. Like Zuran says.

She herself saved me, then she scolded too. But she is nice. She saved me and my secrets today. I need to thank her but she won't like me around again. I think I need to send her my thank you message. Yeah, I can do it.

I was passing the corridor and suddenly I heard a voice made me stop and frozen both.

" So, you think, you can hide the truth from me?" I didn't turn cause I knew it will make me hell scared.

" Which truth, Professor? " I said without looking at him.

" You think I am dumb, huh?" He said gritting his teeth.

" No, Professor. You are the most talented person of this time. How can I think you a dumb!!!" I said honestly.

" Don't act so innocent, Samantha. " he came and stood in front of me.

" I don't know what you are saying or what you are thinking about me. But I can assure you, I didn't stole anything from anywhere. I struggle, I starved and was about to die but never stole anything, if I have anything, then it's genuinely belongs to me. I hope you can understand that." I said.

" Then how come Professor Johannes Lawrence's Crystal Cryptography is in your house?" He said. I know it is a trick to made me scared and admit everything. What can I say!! He is brilliant brain.

I put it in a place no code broker can break the code and enter their. Cause, I used my mom's code, in that Cryptography my dad said me to do so.

" OK, Professor. Then you can send security or cops to find that out, I don't have any problem. If you don't believe me then that's the last thing I can do for you, your peace of mind." I said and started to walk away.

" Well, Samantha. Let's talk. Talk like mature person. This isn't going good. Please, think and talk like a mature girl. You are talking like a stubborn kid." He said to me in a frustrated tone. I giggled.

" Professor, I talk like a kid cause I really am a kid." I said and again giggled. " I am 19 only. I am the youngest student of the whole Academy. Even student of 1st range are elder than me. I just stared to use my brain a bit earlier. " I said to him.

" I know every single thing about you. You are graduating this year, so you need to be matured now, Samantha. I know you won't share your secrets with me, Samantha or Scarlett Lawrence. Just act like a mature woman, or you are going to face the biggest problem after this. Out the world is not safe for a girl like you." He said.

" A girl like me? What do you mean by a girl like me?" I asked, cause I was confused.

" A girl who is innocent, jolly, careless, brilliant, acts crazy, beautiful inside and out equally. " he said and my eyes widened.

" I will think about this, Professor. " I said got more confused.

What does this Professor wants now!!! Why can't he just leave me alone!!! Why!!! I just want to do what is the aim of my life. I only will do it.

" Not thinking, you have to do it." Profile said.

" OK, I will try." I said in a tensed voice.

" What are you thinking Samantha or Scarlett? " he asked and I don't know what just got into me the next thing I said to give a shock to myself.

" It's both." I was surprised as I said that.

" Sorry? I didn't get it what you wanted to say." Professor was looking at me confused.

" I said they both are my name. It's Samantha Scarlett Lawrence." I don't know how did I say that but it just came out of my mouth and I couldn't control it. I saw a genuine smile on his face.

" I knew it, thanks for believing me." He said smilingly. 

First time in of my whole I realized Professor Morgan looks so nice when he smiles. Fool, Sam. It's Obviously first time. Like you have seen him smiling before. Isn't this the first time he smiled!!! Yeah, right. I looked at him.

" I hope I won't regret believing you, Professor." I said.

" No, you won't." He said.

" Thanks. " I said and started to walk away.

" Samantha? " he called and I turned.

" Why don't you reveal the truth?" He asked and I got confused. Why does he need to know it!!!

" Cause, some secrets are better to keep it secret. " I said and walk away.

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