The Pre-Party

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*Jezzabelle's POV*

Today was Macy's birthday and her party! I super excited.

I threw on a dark blue skater skirt, a black crop top, black converse, and straightened my hair.

I didn't put makeup on because I felt... pretty. In the first time in forever.

I got Macy a small black teddy bear holding a pink heart that said best friends as a present to give her at school and something else to give her at her party.

When I got to school Eli was waiting for me in my parking spot like he has for the past 3 days.

I gave him a hug and we walked in school holding hands. I think the word spread already that we were dating again because I would hear some 'awes' and 'ews' in the hallways.

We reached Mace's locker and said, "Hey."

"Oh my gosh! Hey guys!" She hugged us. I could tell she was excited.

"So... Happy Birthday!" I screeched hugging her tighter.

"Ow." I heard Eli say. I think I hurt his ears but who cares it's my bestfriend's birthday right!

"Oops." I laughed

"Thanks Jay." Macy said.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" I said. I looked into my bag and pulled out the black bear and gave it to her.

I saw a giant grin creep up on her face.

"Like it?!" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Love." She replied.

"Well I'm killing your girls moment, but happy birthday Mace Dawggg." Eli said leaning back and making the word 'dawg' extra long.

I chuckled at Eli.

'Thanks Mannnn." Macy said bro hugging him and when she said man she sounded like Nicki Minaj when she says it like 'meeeinn.'

We talked for about two more minutes the Jack and Taylor came up to us.

"Hey Macy. Happy Birthday." They said in unison smiling a little. Taylor's smile was bigger than Jack's.

"Thanks." She said.

"Hey Jezzabelle. Hey Eli." Jack said right after.

"Hi." I waved and said a little low, but not too low.

"Hi." Eli said. I could tell he was trying not to sound annoyed.

He needs to stop though because I'm dating him not Jack.

It felt awkward between them because I could see from the corner of my eye Eli shooting daggers from his eyes at Jack.

Jack was looking at our connected hands.

I don't think he knew we were dating. Im glad there wasn't an awkward silence though. Macy and Taylor kept conversation.

"So Macy, It's kind of late, but can we go on our date right after school? It can be one of the two presents I plan on giving you." Taylor asked. Aw.

All three of us stared at them to listen.

"Um. I was kind of going to start getting ready for my birthday right after school. My party doesn't start till 9 but still ask my stylist Jay if it's ok." She said glancing at me, more like pleading.

"Why not." I chuckled, "Just have her at her house at 5 because we need to get ready for the pre-party." I said winking.

Mace and I were calling it a pre-party because at 6, Mace's family and other sophisticated adults were coming because it was like this elegant ball thing. Her mom planned it so her family can see Macy on her 17th birthday without partying with crazy teens.

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