Chapter 16: Replacement found

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While SHINee was still looking around for empty seats, Director Nim took out a blue folder. he opened it and asked, "alright so is anyone missing?" everyone looked around, seeing if there was someone missing. most nodded, a few were unsure. Taeyeon raised her hand, "Oppa, Super Junior isn't here!" she noticed

"and so is TVXQ!" Amber exclaimed.

Director Nim looked done at his folder right away. "Changmin & Yunho are busying with their comeback. SUJU in the other hand is busy with radio shows, concerts, its just a hassel for them. As much as I want them to be here, they couldnt make it. sorry to get that out" he said with disappointment.

"Atleast we have EXO & Shinee here joining us." He pointed out

"Without any further a do, Let's get this meeting started. okay so, I know all of you have busy schedules and everything and I'm happy all of you guys found the time to make it here. especially you kpop stars, I know you have performances to go to, songs to prepare for your next comeback, interviews, photoshoots, and the list can go on and on. Kamsahamnida!" Director Nim added with much appreciation and he kept on talking and blabbing about the following,

"I want you guys to take this seriously, because fans are willing to see this movie. I will hand you guys the contract all of you need to sign."

F(x)'s victoria raised her hand high. "Questions at the end of this meeting."

I got the form infront of me. It says the following,


I, ___________ will take the responsiblity of being apart of this movie. I understand being in this movie is a privelige. I will treat others with the best of my behaviour. If I get any complaints, I understand I might have a chance of no longer being part of the cast/crew. I __________ will follow the Director's orders.


I signed the form like it was no worry.

I looked around the room, seeing everyone still reading and filling out the form.

10 mins later...

"alright, 10 minutes have passed and all of you should be done by now. Director Nim looked at me and Chanyeol. can both of you go around and collect everyone's forms?" I looked at Chanyeol, & he looked at me. We both nodded and walked around collecting everyone's form. When I was done I was going to give the forms to Director Nim. and then... "omoo!" I tripped. All the papers flew out of my hand, slowly falling and hitting the ground. I looked around, everyone did that quick stare. I was embrasssed, having kpop stars knowing how clumsy I am. I tried to collect the papers and then I see an extra pair of hands helping out. Its Chanyeol. We were almost done collecting the forms, his hand slowly went on top of mine when we collected the same paper.

"Kamsa" Director said.

"Tomorrow I'm letting you guys go home in order to pack your things

Everyone looked confused, pack for what reason?

The next day, you'll be coming back here in the morning, and we'll be putting you guys into dorms. When all of you meet the crew, I'll hand you your scripts, and we'll start filming as soon as possible. Ne?"

Everyone looked excited, including me.

Thanks for today's meeting, if you have any questions just let me know.

Everyone left, I opened my shoulder bag just making sure everything was there. I suddenly see Krystal and Jessica left behind. My nosyness has gotten to me, I think all 3 of them didn't notice my existence.

"Oppa, we won't be here for the filming" Jessica said.

"We'll be in Califonia, visiting family." Krystal added.

My eyes were wide open, what are we going to do without these 2?

"My goodness, thanks for telling me now. now I need to find replacements." Director Nim exclaimed

"We hope everything goes well, we'll for sure watch it when it comes out." both said with their heads down.

When both left Director Nim finally notices me. "Oh were you here this whole time?" I nodded "umm, I have a few Ideas. I have a friend who might want to take this part." I grinned.

"Does she have any experience?" he questioned

"Sir, she went to an arts school, I'm pretty sure she does." I added

"Okay so we got krystal's replacement covered. now, how about jessica's?" he asked.

"Now that, I'll have to find out."


Annyeong! My chapters suck so bad Dx I hope you guys enjoyed it ne?

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